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Stoodleigh Annual Parish Meeting to be held in the Parish Hall, on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 7.00pm

All parishioners are invited to attend and participate, in the Annual Parish Meeting. This is an opportunity to hear what has been happening amongst organisations within the parish over the last 12 months and their aspirations for the future. It is your chance to shape the future of your community. Come with ideas and suggestions and share them with us.


Members -:
Councillors L Biles, W Knowles, G Parkman, S Davey, C Payne, and J Widdowson

1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interests – to remind councillors of the need to declare any personal or pecuniary interest in any items on the agenda

 3. The Minutes of the Meeting held 30th May, 2018 at 7.00pm to be approved

4. The Retiring Chairman’s Report

5. Reports from Local Organisations including -:

Stoodleigh Working Action Group
The Cricket Club
The Parish Hall Committee
The Garden Club
The Church Warden
The History Group
The Parish Website
Trustees of the Stoodleigh Inn

6. Stoodleigh Parish Hall Improvements -an update

7. Definitive Map Review – invitation to attend the forthcoming presentation

8. Open Forum – opportunity for the members of the public to debate any current issues
Sign post restoration volunteers
New items for the playground

Sandra Phillips, Clerk 11/5/19