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to be held in the Parish Hall

on Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 7.00pm



Members -:

Councillors W Knowles (Chair,) J Widdowson (Vice Chair,) S Davey, J Mansfield. G Parkman, C Payne and D Wotton

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of Interest – to remind councillors of the need to declare any personal or pecuniary interest in any items on the agenda
  3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on May 25 at 7.00pm to be approved
  4. The Retiring Chairman’s Report
  5. Reports from Local Organisations including -:

The Cricket Club

The Parish Hall Committee

The Garden Club

The Church Warden

The History Group

The Parish Website

Trustees of the Stoodleigh Inn

  1. Open Forum – an opportunity for members of the public to debate any current issue  Ideas include – Bridleways and footpaths needing attention

          The Swap Box

           Repairs to the boundary wall between the Church and Playground

           Reminder of the last date for submission user of evidence forms regards the Green Lane proposal and thus consideration at the Definitive Map Review is June 2nd.


Sandra Phillips, Clerk 23/5/23