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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held in the Village Hall, 7.00pm Monday 14th 2018

Members present – Cllr P Talbot Cllr D Honnor Cllr L Biles Cllr W Knowles Cllr G Parkman Cllr P Pennington Cllr A Rigamonti

1. Apologies – none received

2. Declarations of Interest – none received

3. Retiring Chairman’s Report – the Chairman tabled a draft of his annual report that would be presented to the Annual Parish Meeting.

4, Election of Chairman – Cllr P Talbot was unanimously re-elected, proposed by Cllr Honnor

5. Election of Vice Chair – Cllr Honnor was unanimously re-elected, proposed by Cllr Talbot

6. Election of Working Committees

a) Planning – in view of the number of applications referring to only tree surgery it was agreed to consider all applications on their likely impact to the area and only visit/comment on those which might have more significant impact.

b) Personnel – any such matters arising would be dealt with primarily by the Chairman and ViceChair

c) Finance – the current system of 2 signatories before payment of cheques and the prior notification of such on the agenda would continue. Current signatories are Cllrs Talbot, Honnor, Pennington and Rigamonti.

7. Specific areas of Liaison for Councillors

Website – this is ably managed at present by Geraldine Talbot, further input was deemed unnecessary

Police – this seems to have reverted to the Clerk as contact. It was agreed to establish whether the PCSO would like to continue receiving agendas etc. with such a reduced input

Playground – Cllr W Knowles

Highways – Cllr P Talbot

Footpaths – Cllr Pennington

Village Hall Committee – Cllr G Parkman

8. Official Documentation Standing Orders – all members are in receipt of such

Acceptance of Office – these were duly signed

Register of Interests – members were reminded that if circumstances change these need to be updated

9. Finance – an updated copy of the budget was circulated to reflect recent considerations.