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MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held at 7.15 on Tuesday 30 April 2019 at the Parish Hall, Stoodleigh

Present Councillors: P Talbot (Chairman), G Parkman and P Pennington

1. Apologies: Councillors L Biles, D Honnor and W Knowles

2. Declarations of Interest: None

3. The Public: There were no members of the public present.

4. Planning application -19/00442/FULL - Change of use of agricultural land for the temporary siting of a residential caravan - Quoit-at-Cross, Stoodleigh Following a site visit it was, unanimously:- RESOLVED that the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council supports this application

5. Planning application - 19/00575/HOUSE - Erection of extension - 2 Gibbett Moor, Stoodleigh Following a site visit it was, unanimously:- RESOLVED that the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council supports this application.

6. Planning application - 19/00640/HOUSE - Installation of flue to each property - Cowhaus and The Dutch Barn, Stoodleigh It was unanimously:- RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council supports this application.


…………………………………………. Chairman