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MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held at 10.45am on Thursday 6 December 2018 in the Parish Hall, Stoodleigh

Present Councillors: D Honnor, (Vice Chairman - in the Chair), G Parkman and P Pennington

1. Apologies: Councillors L Biles and A Rigamonti

2. Declarations of Interest: Councillor P Talbot had previously declared a personal interest in the application to be discussed at this meeting.

3. The Public: Three members of the public were present to speak in support of the application

4. Planning Application - 18/01679 - Erection of an agricultural livestock and fodder storage building - Land at NGR 291390 118777 Road from Ash Hill Cross to Vials Corner Stoodleigh After a site meeting by the Parish Council and discussion with the applicant it was confirmed that the building would be constructed of materials to minimise its impact and in keeping with other local agricultural buildings and that it would be sited so that the highest part would back on to the hedge and there would be feeding troughs rather than panels to the field side. RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that on the basis of what has been described the Parish Council supports this application 



…………………………………………. Chairman