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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on Monday, January 28th in the Village Hall

Members present -: Chairman Cllr P Talbot Vice Chair Cllr D Honnor Cllr L Biles Cllr W Knowles Cllr G Parkman Cllr P Pennington

1. Apologies – received from Cllr Rigamonti

2. Declarations of Interest – none were received

3. The Public – there were 2 members of the public present who had recently moved into the parish

4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held November 26th and December 6th – both were signed as a correct record. The latter relates to a planning meeting.

5. Planning Reports and Outcomes -:

18/01679/FULL Erection of a livestock/fodder storage building NGR 291390 118777, adjacent to Ash Hill X to Vial’s corner – permission granted

18/01765/LBC Internal works, Barton House – awaiting decision

18/01786/PNAG Extension to agricultural building Ash Hill Farm – development acceptance

6. Reports

a) County Council – unfortunately County Councillor Polly Colthorpe was delayed but a copy of her written report is attached District Councillor Ray Stanley announced that the MDDC would conclude the year within budget. The work on the Premier Inn is well underway. The planning application for Gibbet Moor 18/01711/MFUL, has been determined as agricultural building works and not to be considered industrial development. In view of this it is questionable whether the scale of the concrete envisaged is really necessary. The planning application for new tracks to remove timber from Washfield Woods, because of the maximum weight limit on the bridge will mean finding an alternative route and may involve Stoodleigh.

b) Parish Councillors – Cllr Honnor felt that the council should object to the Parkhouse Water planning in the event of the timber lorries having to go through the village. Although technically in Washfield there could also be implications for local culvert maintenance and extra wear on the road surface. The Chairman AGREED to register the council’s objection. Cllr Biles remarked that the street light at Hillcrest is back working after a long spell but seems especially bright. He AGREED to ask other neighbours for their views and report to Ray Stanley if the consensus is for removal or a change to a lower watt bulb.

7. The Playground

a) Choice of resurfacing material – it was thought that rubber matting at £1600 might be better value and longer lasting than bark at £1200. The amount of ground preparation required for matting and the method of securing it in place is yet to be determined.

b) Adjustment of the gates – this has been done. A new gate post is needed and Cllr Knowles AGREED to source.

c) Update on new equipment – Cllr Biles had contacted several firms for ideas and quotes for a small scale Trim Trail. These projects start at £5000+ VAT. District Cllr Stanley advised that to qualify for 106 money early submission was advisable even if the final details are undecided. Andy Busby at MDDC might be able to give advice - Cllr Biles to contact. d) The Annual Inspection – it was AGREED for RoSPA to carry out the inspection in March.

8. Grass Cutting – Chris Hill has confirmed that his charges will remain the same for 2019/20 and the council were in agreement with his continued appointment.

9.Historic Signposts – the 2 signposts repaired so far have been a big improvement. Additional volunteers will encouraged via the website by email for the other two, Stoodleigh Moor X and West End X.

10. Forthcoming Parish Council elections – a poster and a few leaflets have arrived. The election will be advertised on the website. It was noted that the nomination papers have to be delivered by hand to Phoenix House.

11. Proposed schedule for Meetings – the following were provisionally agreed but may be subject to alteration by the “new council” in May.

May 20th 2019 Annual Parish Council

May 22nd 2019 Annual Parish Meeting

July 29th 2019 Parish Council

September 30th 2019 Parish Council

November 25th 2019 Parish Council

January 27th 2020 Parish Council

March 30th 2020 Parish Council

May 18th 2020 AGM and Parish Council

May 27th 2020 Annual Parish Meeting

12. Finance Current HSBC balance as at 12/1/19 £9098.99 The Clerk reported that the only significant outgoing anticipated for the current year would be her salary unless surface material or equipment for the playground was ordered in the meantime. There are sufficient funds in hand should the May election be contested. The precept remains at £4000. Payment was approved to C Hill £550 and retrospectively to R Holland (signpost materials)