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MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held at 2.45pm on Tuesday 5 March 2019 in the Parish Hall, Stoodleigh

Present Councillors: P Talbot (Chairman), D Honnor, W Knowles and P Pennington

1. Apologies: Councillors L Biles, G Parkman and A Rigamonti

2. Declarations of Interest: Councillor P Talbot declared a personal interest in respect of the application in item 4 below and took no part in the discussion thereon.

3. The Public: There were no members of the public present.

4. Planning application - 19/00281/HOUSE - erection of two-storey front extension, single storey rear extension and replacement of first floor window with Juliet balcony, Ridgeway, 1 Court Gardens, Stoodleigh RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council supports this application

5. Planning application - 19/00188/FULL - Retention of gateway access - Land at NGR 293614 120278 (Steart Farm Stud) Stoodleigh Concern was expressed that the gateway which was the subject of this application had been constructed on a narrow single track road at a point where there is limited visibility. It was considered that the use of the gateway was likely to lead to road traffic accidents. As a result is was unanimously:- RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council object to this application on the grounds that access to the site is already available via the existing farm entrance and there is, therefore no need for a second entrance; and there are concerns about limited visibility on this narrow, single track, road.


…………………………………………. Chairman