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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on Monday September 24th at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

Members present -: Chairman Cllr P Talbot Vice Chair Cllr D Honnor Cllr L Biles Cllr W Knowles Cllr G Parkman Cllr P Pennington Cllr A Rigamonti

1. Apologies – there were none received

2. Declarations of Interest - Cllr Talbot declared a personal interest in planning item 18/01444/CAT Barn’s Cottage.

3. The Public – there was no one present

4. Minutes of the Meeting held on July 30th – these were approved and signed as a correct record

5. Planning reports and out comes-:

18/00875/FULL retension of an agricultural track, Gibbet Moor – permission granted

18/01000/FULL Erection of a replacement dwelling, Ashcombe Farm – permitted with discharge conditions

18/1100/CLU Existing development of double garage & annexe, West Whitnole – permission granted

18/01444/CAT Reduction of trees at Barn’s Cottage – late addition to the agenda. As this application related to only conifers and pine trees the council saw no reason to object. Cllr Honnor to reply to this effect.

6. Reports

a) County & District Council A copy of the County Council’s report is attached. In addition to the report it was mentioned that the Fire & Rescue Response Team have been issued with a smaller 5 crew vehicle which is quicker to get to the problem site. District Council – the regeneration of Tiverton town centre has gone out to consultation. There will be some demolition involved. The Old Curiousity Shop will make way for 4 shops with accommodation above. Demolition of the Phoenix Car Park has started today. The 3 Rivers development to provide 38 residential units has begun. The plans for the Cullompton Relief Road have gone out for consultation raising a number of objections . Likewise the J27 public enquiry has some opposition. The proposed LIDL store application for Tiverton will go ahead. The Red Lion Hotel, Oakford may well become a community asset. Cash payments at the desk will no longer be accepted in Phoenix House but information is available on alternative ways to pay.

b) Parish Councillors – the twice a year Litter Pick will take place on either 20th or 27th October and will combine with a coffee morning to make the idea more attractive. This information will be advertised on the web site. Stoodleigh Drive continues to attract fly tipping. Suggestions for any roads which are particularly in need of litter clearance are welcomed by MDDC. Some progress has been made with identifying and prosecuting offenders. Cllr Pennington reported that where a new field entrance had been made on the Washfield Road – water was now lying. Cllr Rigamonti had also noticed a flooding problem by the village entrance. Such matters should be reported to Ian Sorreston MDDC in the absence of Steve Leigh.

7. The Playground

a) It is acknowledged that the surface needs attention. Replacing the bark is the cheapest option but has a comparatively short life span (£1200). Rubber matting is longer lasting but the preparation prior to laying might well significantly increase the cost. This resurfacing could possibly be financed from existing funds.

b) The idea of a providing a Trim Trail was popular and perhaps the cost could be shared with other adjacent parishes. Andy Busby was recommended as a useful contact at MDDC for ideas, suppliers etc. It was finally decided to have a sub-committee to research further. (A Rigamonti/L Biles/W Knowles & P Talbot). The suggested budget was £4000. New equipment might be eligible for S106 funding.

c) The remedial work to secure the gates is still outstanding. As the wall and/or hanging post require modification, finding the solution and seeking agreement from the landowner was left with Cllr Knowles and Cllr Parkman to resolve.

8. The Defibrillator – the 2 dates and attendees have been agreed. It was AGREED to provide tea and coffee on the 25th September & the 9th October. Cllr Talbot AGREED to open the hall.

9. Historic Signposts – the first to be restored was at Vial’s Corner. Although this was found to be in a worst state of repair than envisaged thanks go to Sheila Davis, Jennifer Rowlandson and Malcolm Jones for the excellent result. Roger Hill and John Holland have agreed to tackle the next one at Kissing Gate.

10. The Stoodleigh Swap Box – this appears to be well patronised. Some of the miscellaneous items offered will be forwarded to a charity shop if not “rehomed”. The surrounding hedge will be trimmed this week by the council.

11. Finance

The Nat West current account as at September 12th - £9647.26

The Clerk explained the misunderstanding between the external auditors and herself and requested that an exemption certificate was signed to provide closure on the matter. This was ACTIONED.

Half yearly payments were APPROVED of Clerk salary £720, HMRC £180, Admin Expenses £57.91. M Jones £48.63.