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Agenda for the Annual Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall, 7.00pm on May 20th 2019

Members -: Cllr L Biles Cllr W Knowles G Parkman S Davey C Payne J Widdowson

1. Election of Chairman

2. Apologies

3. Declarations of Interest

4. Retiring Chairman’s Report

5. Appointment of a Vice Chairman

6. Allocation of responsibilities

a) Planning - to agree the format for dealing with planning applications

b) Personnel – to agree a format for dealing with any such issues

c) Finance – to confirm the format for the payment of invoices - to decide the signatories for the HSBC account

7. Areas of possible liaison for councillors






Village Hall

8. Official Documentation – confirmation that all members are in receipt of Standing Orders - completion of the Register of Interests

9. Finance – councillors to receive a copy of the budget for the current year

S Phillips, Clerk to the Parish Council
