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 Members – Chairman Cllr L Biles               Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson         Cllr C Payne       

 Cllr S Davey         Cllr W Knowles                  Cllr G Parkman                  Cllr G Talbot



  1. Apologies


  1. Declarations of Interest


  1. The Public – opportunity for the Public to speak on items on the agenda


  1. Minutes of the Meetings held November 25th, December 14th & January 13th– to be approved


  1. Reports
  2. County & District Councils
  3. Parish Councillors


  1. Planning -:

Applications and outcomes -:

18/01711/FULL Formation of silage clamp & access Gibbet Moor

19/01654/FULL Erection of a workshop following stable block demolition, Beacon View

19/01690/LBC Refurbishment roof Alridge Mill – granted

19/01737/HOUSE 2 storey extension Moor Farm – granted

19/01813/PNAG Prior approval forestry, Great Wood – granted

19/02000/FULL Erection of dwelling Rull Farm – decision awaited

19/02126/HOUSE Extension at Old Rectory – decision awaited

20/00007/PNFG Forestry store, NGR 288754 119913


  1. Highways – numerous issues including

Overhanging trees and vegetation bordering the Church Path & Stoodleigh Court

Blocked drains on Footpath 1

Mud on the road Stoodleigh Drive

Recent concerns regarding Coleford Bottom

Blocked gateway and fencing between Ford X and Rull X

Best way to monitor & protect roads and verges


  1. The Playground – including the awaited purchase of bark and legal ownership


  1. Winter alert – position to date with salt supplies and snow warden training


  1. Website – current situation with compliance upgrading


  1. Annual Parish Meeting – possible change of date to Tuesday, May 26th


  1. Community Policing – summary of the meeting 19/12/19


  1. Definitive Map Review – update on the bridleway through Barehill Wood


  1. Climate Change –establish any interest with the tree planting initiative


  1. Risk Assessment – sign off the spreadsheet for 2019/20


  1. Defibrillator – current situation with possible new batteries or additional training


  1. St Margaret’s Church – discuss request for additional donation


  1. Finance

Current HSBC balance as at 12/1/20         £7309.31


Payments to be approved -M Jones £18 underpaid in November

St Margaret’s Church £400+?      Clerk £170.44 reimbursement



S Phillips, Clerk to the Council 20/1/20