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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday, May 20th at 7.00pm.

Members present -: Cllrs L Biles S Davey W Knowles G Parkman C Payne J Widdowson

1. Election of Chairman – Leo Biles was proposed by Cllr Knowles and seconded by Cllr Davey. This was unanimously agreed. Cllr Knowles thanked Phil Talbot for the tremendous effort he had put in when acting as Chairman.

2. Apologies - received from the 2 District Councillors, Andrew Moore and Ray Stanley

3. Declarations of Interest – none declared

4. The Retiring Chairman’s Report – this had previously been circulated by the outgoing chairman and was noted.

5. Appointment of Vice Chairman – John Widdowson was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Knowles. Agreed by all.

6. Allocation of Responsibilities – a) Planning – Cllr Payne is to be the lead on this subject but the information will be circulated to all for comment. b) Personnel – it was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman would deal with any matters arising c) Finance – the current format of 2 signatories would continue. The clerk holds the cheque book. It was agreed that 3 signatories should be appointed. These are to be the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Clerk.

7. Areas of possible Liaison for councillors – Website - Geraldine Talbot has kindly agreed to continue updating the local parish website with the intermediary for feeding information back to her being Cllr Davey. Police – this is perhaps not a widely used form of communication now. As the police routinely visit the private airfield Cllr Knowles agreed to be the contact. Playground – Cllr Knowles Highways – Cllr Widdowson Footpaths – Cllr Davey Village Hall – Cllr Parkman

8. Official Documentation – the councillors were requested to complete the Register of Interests as these need to be returned to MDDC. The Standing Orders and Codes of Conduct are available for reference on the website.

9. Finance – a copy of the budget which was decided in November 2018 was circulated. The Clerk explained the reasoning behind some of the figures when compiling the calculation on which the 2019/20 precept is based.