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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on July 29th at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

1. Apologies –

Cllr Knowles

2. Declarations of Interest –

a personal interest was declared by the Chairman in planning item 19/01133/CL

3. The Public –

no one present

4. Co-option to the Council –

despite the clerk having taken advice, the “35 day period” for co-option had expired as no formal appointment was finalised within this time scale. The vacancy will be therefore advertised again to comply with legislation. The matter was fully discussed and in the event of no additional interest coming forward , the council came to a unanimous decision as to an appointment.

5. Minutes of the Meetings held May 20th –

these were approved and signed as a true record. Under Item 11, Finance Nat West was corrected to HSBC.

6. Reports County Council –

a copy of the report is attached. The new administration at Westminster may have significant effect on many issues. It is hoped that the current seemingly unfair arrangement regards education funding may be one of those to be addressed. With Ash Die back the owner of the land must take responsibility for this problem; which is and will continue to have significantly impact on the local landscape. It is encouraging that some ash trees with apparent genetic resistance have been identified in China. The speed limit report ( see CC report) unfortunately focused on the urban situation, the Adult Social Care paper is still awaited. District Council – following the May election the political bias in MDDC is down to the Green, Liberal Democrats and Independent Parties. Climate Change is of major concern and one of the more ambitious targets is to to achieve a figure of Carbon Zero by 2025. The regeneration of shops in Tiverton is well on the way to beginning with tenders awaited.

Cllr Stanley alerted the meeting to a planning application to extend social events at Du Vale Barton to non-residents, the property being very close to Stoodleigh parish boundary.

Parish Councillors – Cllr Davey had received notice that Footpath no.3 appears to be padlocked at one point: Stuart Howell has been made aware.

On the subject of milk tankers speeding the only immediate course of action would be to report the incident to the firm involved.

Cllr Widdowson reported that both drainage works and attention to the trees alongside Church Path are underway.

7. Planning –

the current system of circulating and commenting on planning issues to Cllr Payne appears to be working. Applications and outcomes to date -:

18/00575/HOUSE Erection of extension 2, Gibbet Moor – Permission granted

18/00776/LBC Consent for restoration Cove Cottage following fire damage – Agreed

19/00640/HOUSE Installation of flue at Cowhaus & Dutch Barn – permission granted

19/01061/FULL Extension of life of solar panel park to 40 years, land east of Bowden’s Lane

19/01133/CLU Conservatory replacement 3, Hillcrest

19/01159/CAT Request to fell 1 ash tree, The Old Forge

18/01711/MFU Gibbet Moor clamp, revised plans only notified 29th July The latter was discussed and it was left for Cllr Payne to circulate a response highlighting concerns on the scale of the project before a submission to MDDC within the very short time frame. The council has already commented before on this issue and unless there is a significant reduction in the likely impact to the surrounding area still have reservations.

8. Highways –

the subject of the new fence in Rull Lane is complex. The issue appears to be that of a civil matter although the council is sympathetic to the land owner who appears to have had their field access affected. Steve Leigh will be consulted for more information to try to establish ownership of the land in question.

There has been virtually no interest in restoration of the other 2 signposts. The clerk was asked to estimate the time likely to be involved by contacting those involved on the first project. It might be possible for the council to financially contribute towards the labour cost.

9. The Playground –

ever conscious of the urgency to secure S106 funding the Chairman had been endeavouring to obtain 3 quotes for a Trim Trail. This equipment targeted at slightly older children would run down the LHS and could be sited on grass. Chairman to submit an application as all the designs appeared similar.

In the absence of Cllr Knowles any update on surface restoration was unavailable.

10. Changes to the Fire and Rescue Service –

no comment to forward

11. Training –

the council felt that they would like more information on what is on offer and the content. Clerk to circulate latest information.

12. Definitive Path Review –

this presentation had been particularly well attended. The meeting proposed for 2020 with Washfield is of special interest as one footpath potentially affects both parishes. The accompanying statements for each footpath will be published on the web site. It was felt that a copy of the map should be easily accessible for both residents and visitors. Cllr Widdowson will approach the Stoodleigh Inn for possible display there.

13. Finance

Current HSBC balance as at 12/7/19 £10,219.45

Clerk is trying to chase up the overdue VAT repayment of £59.76

£236.91 insurance premium payment was approved.

Much difficulty had been encountered trying to approve new signatories.