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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on Monday May 20th at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Members present -:

Chairman Cllr L Biles Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson Cllr S Davey Cllr W Knowles Cllr G Parkman Cllr C Payne

1. Apologies – there were none apart from the District Councillors A Moore and R Stanley

2. Declarations of Interest – none declared

3. The Public – no one present

4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held March 25th and Planning meeting 30th April – these were signed as a correct record

5. Planning reports and outcomes
19/00188/ FULL Retention of gateway at Steart Farm Stud – refused
19/00281/HOUSE 2 storey extension 1, Court Gardens – full planning permission granted
19/00442/FULL Change of use from agricultural land to temporary siting of residential caravan, Quoit at Cross
19/00575/HOUSE extension of cottage at Gibbet Moor
19/00640/HOUSE flue installation, Cow Haus and Dutch Barn

6. Reports
a) County and District Council – there was no representative present
b) Parish Councillors – nothing particular to report at this stage

7. Vacant seat on the Parish Council – after some discussion it was decided that efforts would be made to co opt another member to the council. The subject is to raised on Wednesday at the Annual Parish Meeting hoping to encourage further interest.

8. The Playground - This week a repair has been made to a broken plank associated with the slide. Cllr Knowles agreed to inspect the other woodwork on this piece of apparatus and at the same time quantify the amount of replacement bark that is needed to bring the surface up to standard. It was generally thought that a bark surface was more in keeping aesthetically than rubberised matting. Installation of a Trim Trail is still intended.

9. The Defibrillator – fortunately Phil Talbot has kindly volunteered to continue carrying out
the monthly checks on the machine.

10. Definitive Map Review – it would appear that there might be considerable interest in this DCC presentation. It was agreed that a summer evening might be the best choice of a date. The subject is to be raised at the Annual Parish Meeting.

11. Finance - The current Nat West balance as at 12/4/19 was £10,718.79
a) The Annual Governance Statement was agreed and signed
b) The Accounting Statement was agreed and signed
c) The Certificate of Exemption was also signed
Retrospective payments for approval were approved – DALC £73.61 & BJ Howe £151.20
The payments for Insurance £236.91 and Tax & Accounts £48 were agreed but until new
signatories are appointed cannot be paid.