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Minutes of the Stoodleigh Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 25th November 2019, held at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Members present -:
Chairman Cllr L Biles Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson Cllr S Davey Cllr G Parkman Cllr C Payne Cllr G Talbot

1. Apologies – None received

2. Declarations of Interest – none declared

3. The Public – Mr Atkinson was present to answer any questions on the planning application

4. Minutes of the Meetings held September 30th and November 5th – these were approved and signed as a correct record

5. Reports
a) County Council – budget setting for the next year is proving difficult at both county and
district level when future finance is of an unknown quantity. The Winter Service Task
Group has largely actioned their ideas but communication and resulting coordination
with other departments such as the NHS could still be improved.
Ash Dieback is predicted to cause a loss of 90% of ash trees unless a more resistant strain can be identified. If more than half the crown is infected action has to be taken and felling continues at Bickleigh. On a more positive note the CCTV camera at Bickleigh Bridge which records registration plates appears to having some effect. Damage has reduced and there is now a chance to recoup costs from those drivers who still find successful negotiation a challenge.
District Council – Action by MDDC is somewhat quiet following the May elections as there
are so many new members. The 26 new homes at Palmerston Park are all occupied. The
first phase at Braid Park is nearly finished. The Premier Inn is open. Although some
significant planned alterations to the market are currently on hold the team has won a
national award for innovative work to date.
The Environment and Climate Change Group is up and running.

b) Parish Councillors – these responsibilities are largely covered under individual headings.
Cllr Talbot expressed concern on the rumoured increase in car park charges. She also reported that the variation in material used and the end result when potholes have been repaired was a concern.
Cllr Widdowson reported that there was considerable road surface water near his property and he would be prepared to assist by taking any diverted water to ease the problem

6. Planning applications and outcomes -:
18/01711/MFUL Open clamp and vehicle access construction, Gibbet Moor – awaiting
decision. This has been a controversial application all the way through, has had several
alterations to the original submission and is likely to be called into the Planning Committee
for discussion before reaching a conclusion.
18/01552/PNCOU Change from agricultural to dwelling - Approved with conditions
19/00442/FULL temporary siting of a caravan at Quoit at Cross - granted
19/01435/FULL Replacement toilet block, Stoodleigh Village Club – approved
19/01654/FULL Erection of a workshop Beacon View – awaiting decision
19/01690/LBC Refurbishment roof at Alridge Mill – awaiting decision
19/01737/HOUSE Erection of a 2 storey extension Stoodleigh Moor – awaiting decision
19/01831/CAT Pollarding beech trees at Quoit at Cross – approved
19/01772/FULL Dwelling alterations & vehicle access for the Badger Watch, East of
Stoodleigh Barton, Devon. The site was visited on 23/11/19 and the seemingly straight
forward plans gained the support of the council. Clerk to inform MDDC.
It was decided to continue treating all applications the same with the aim to visit all sites.

7. The Playground – the Trim Trail has been erected and has met approval from the few to try it so far. The final invoice is awaited. Ray Stanley’s help with the funding is much
appreciated. A Community email will advertise this new piece of equipment. The necessary
bark to restore certain areas should be in place by March.
The £600 estimate for grass cutting for 2020 was approved.
The playground is believed to have been bequeathed to the parish by Major Gardener many
years ago and the Clerk is endeavouring to discover any relevant documentation.

8. VE day 2020 – the subject of how to commemorate the occasion was discussed. It was
possible that the History Group may have some ideas of their own. It was decided to wait
until nearer the appointed date to avoid duplication of effort, locally or in Tiverton.

9. Winter alert – Cllr Knowles usually checks the amount of grit available in the bins. It is
obligatory for the “Snow Warden” to have had some formal instruction in case of and to
avoid any accident or incident. The Clerk is to enquire further about the required training.

10. Signpost Restoration – 3 out of the 4 historic signposts in the parish have now been
repaired. The result is most pleasing as well as useful. Some letters are still needed for
Stoodleigh Moor X but a painted substitute is serving temporarily. The Clerk was asked to
formally thank Malcolm & Chris as considerable time and effort has been spent to restore
these signposts.

11. Litter Pick – despite the atrocious weather 6 volunteers turned out. This had already been
postponed a week hoping for drier conditions. Cllr Davey co-ordinated the exercise and it
had resulted in 5 bags of rubbish and a car bumper. It was decided that it was worthwhile to
repeat the exercise twice a year.

12. Tiverton Staghounds – annually there are complaints about the Staghounds more so thanthe Foxhounds owing to the number of car and followers in general. The horses and houndsare an inconvenience but the vehicles tend to completely block the roads. Unless specific incidents are documented it would be difficult to take this matter further. Cllr Widdowson is to write to the Master to highlight the local dilemma.

13. Code of Conduct and Register of Interests – various versions of the Code are in circulation, 2012 & 2017. Both documents are under review at District Level and above – the outcome expected June 2020. It was decided to wait until then before considering adoption of a national or more localised version of the code.

14. The Website – the parish council website is required to comply with the Equality and Human Rights Act by September 2020. This will necessitate amending much of the recorded written and photographic existing content in order to make it more accessible to all. Cllr Talbot and Jean Winter are both involved in the upgrade.

15. Fire and Rescue Service – the decision to close 8 stations in Somerset and Devon has been widely advertised. Tiverton will have a modified service but still continue. Anyone wishing to add support to those most affected is invited to do so.

16. Dates for the Meetings 2010/21 – agreed were :
January 27th 2020 Parish Council Meeting
March 30th 2020 “
May 18th 2020 “
May 27th 2020 the Annual Parish Meeting
July 27th 2020 Parish Council Meeting
September 28th 2020 “
November 30th 2020 “
January 26th 2021 “
March 30th 2021 “

17. Finance
Current HSBC balance as at 12/11/19 £14,887.06 (£5879 included from S106 grant)
The proposed budget was circulated and it was agreed to leave the Precept at £4000
Payments were approved for MDDC May Election £127.35 C Hill £550 M Jones £16.04
Donation request from Citizens Advice and Ring and Ride – not actioned, although more information was wanted on the various private run transport options currently serving rural communities.
Invitation to join the CPRE -2 councillors are already members and this was deemed sufficient.