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MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on Monday 13 January at 2.30pm in the Parish Hall, Stoodleigh

Present Councillors:   

W Knowles, G Parkman, C Payne and G Talbot

In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Knowles proposed, and it was agreed, that Cllr Parkman chair the meeting.

1  Apologies: 

Councillors L Biles, S Davey and J Widdowson

2  Declarations of Interest: 


3  The Public:

There were three members of the public present.

4  Planning application

 19/02126/HOUSE | Erection of extension following demolition of existing extension | The Old Rectory Stoodleigh

Prior to the meeting members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this application.

Members of the public attending the meeting expressed concern that the proposed balcony would overlook neighbouring property. Suggestions for screening to achieve privacy for neighbours and the owners of the Old Rectory were put forward by both parties.          

Following discussion it was, unanimously:-

RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this application subject to consideration of the inclusion of possible permanent screening of the balcony to the eastern elevation.



