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Agenda for the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, to be held remotely at 7.00pm Monday November 30th 2020

Instructions for joining,

Members -: Chairman Cllr L Biles  Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson   Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot

County Cllr P Colthorpe                                 District Cllrs R Stanley & A Moore

  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. The Public – opportunity for the public to speak on items on the agenda
  4. Reports

 County and District Councillors

Parish Councillors – including

highways and footpath issues

resolving the damage to the Church Path Gates

ideas to team build within the Parish incorporating the Parish Council

  1. Planning – applications and outcomes

ENF/20/00231/RURAL Pine Cottage, building and excavation activity

20/01355/FULL Erection of livestock & storage building, NGR 294241 ( near Emmerford Cross)

20/00650/FULL Erection of an equestrian workers dwelling Lower Ford – granted with conditions

20/01549/CAT Felling & the trimming of trees, The Old Forge – no objection

20/01576/HOUSE Conversion of a double garage to ancillary accommodation etc, Drake’s Mead Barn - granted

20/01611/CAT Notification to feel 6 Ash Trees, Quoit-a-Cross

20/01789/FULL DuVale Priory – discuss application & draft response

Alridge Mill – discussion following recent correspondence

  1. Playground

Progress with repairs and purchases

Grass cutting and mole activity

Deeds – now lodged with Ashfords, Tiverton

  1. Defibrillator - Current situation and possible replacement of the seal, date indicators
  1. Finance

Current HSBC Account 12/11/20 £8553.79

2021/22 Budget to determine Precept

Payments to be approved - J Widdowson £ 418.50 + 15.75  C Hill £600


Sandra Phillips, Clerk to Stoodleigh Parish Council 23/11/20