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Agenda for the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council to be held Monday September 28th 2020 at 7.00pm

This will be held remotely with the joining code: 


Members -:

Chairman Cllr L Biles, Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson, Cllr S Davey, Cllr W Knowles, Cllr G Parkman, Cllr C Payne,        Cllr G Talbot


County Cllr P Colthorpe                 District Cllrs A Moore and R Stanley


  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. The Public – an opportunity for members of the public to speak on items on the agenda
  4. Minutes of the Meetings held on July 27th and August 20th – to be approved
  • decide how best to proof read
  1. Reports

County and District Council

Parish Councillors

  1. Planning Applications and Outcomes

20/00650/FULL Erection of an equestrian dwelling, Lower Ford – decision awaited

20/00660/HOUSE Erection of a front porch & 2 storey extension, Fairview – granted

20/00883/FULL Replacement of an underground reservoir with a holiday cottage, Ash Hill - granted

20/00931/HOUSE Rection of extension and front porch, Rull Farm - granted

20/00987/FULL Conversion of an agricultural building to 2 holiday lets, Higher Rifton – permitted with conditions

20/01080/HOUSE    Jessamine Cottage, granted with conditions

  1. The Playground – action regards the deeds and land registry
  • reopening arrangements for 2020
  • update on repairs and maintenance
  1. Litter Pick – decide the best way to approach the problem under present circumstances
  1. The Website – update on compliance to meet the September deadline, guidance for future formatting to avoid an additional workload
  1. Broadband, Universal Service Obligation – should the council actively support this proposal?
  2. The Defibrillator – battery purchase and maintenance responsibility
  3. Replacement Salt Bin at Kissing Gate & general Winter Safeguards – outstanding issues for action
  4. Covid 19 – in the event of a second “lockdown” discuss any contingency plans and ideas
  1. Finance

Current HSBC balance as at 12th September  £9736.25

Payments to be approved Clerk salary £720 ( first 6 months of the current financial year) HMRC £180

Administrative expenses £ 49.66 (April – October)           

L. Biles £135?(defibrillator battery)


Sandra Phillips, Clerk to Stoodleigh Parish Council 22/9/20