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Minutes of Stoodleigh Parish Council Planning Meeting, held remotely at 19.00 hours on 20/8/20

Members present – Cllrs Widdowson, Payne and Parkman

Apologies – these were received from Cllrs Knowles, Davey and Talbot

Declarations of Interest – Cllr Geraldine Talbot had previously declared a personal interest in the planning application to be discussed.

The Public – Andrew & Emily Sydenham were in attendance 

20/01080/HOUSE Installation of a dormer window to the rear, erection of a porch to the front & insertion of a window in side elevation Jessamine Cottage, Stoodleigh, Tiverton EX16 9PW

Following a site visit at 18.00 hours earlier that day by Councillors Widdowson, Payne, Knowles and Parkman, the Council was in unanimous support of the application.

It was noted that the applicants had commenced work prior to planning approval being granted due to being unaware of the restrictions imposed because of the house being in a Conservation Area. Once aware of this the applicants immediately ceased work on the property.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 19.10 hours.