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Minutes of Stoodleigh Parish Council Meeting held remotely on March 29th at 7.00pm

Members present -: Chairman Cllr L Biles, Vice Chair J Widdowson, Cllr S Davey, Cllr W Knowles, Cllr G Parkman, Cllr C Payne, Cllr G Talbot

County Cllr P Colthorpe District Cllr A Moore

  1. Apologies – none received
  2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr G Talbot declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 21/00429/CAT
  3. The Public – no one present
  4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held January 26th – these were approved as a true record to be signed at a later date
  5. Reports

County Council – apparently a report should have been circulated already. Clerk to seek a duplicate. Polly Colthorpe announced that she was retiring and the Chairman to thanked her for her helpful and varied contribution to date

District Council – Andrew Moore wished to commend the Revenue & Benefits Team for all their hard work during the last months. £13.5m was granted from the government in November 2020 and 80% of this has already been passed on to help local businesses. MDDC has been extremely proactive and tops the SW league. However long term the finance future still looks bleak. The council has managed to balance the budget but this will mean taking money from other allocations.

Parish Councillors – Cllr Davey has reported drainage and over hanging trees Footpath 1, to Stuart Howell.

Fly tipping continues, one particular target is near Hazel’s Lodge.  Possible camera installation might help solve the problem. Multiple ownership of land complicates matters with CCTV but still worth further investigation. Tyre disposal seems a common factor and may well be from the same offender.

  1. Planning Applications and Outcomes -

20/01972/FULL Erection of a treehouse for holiday accommodation & parking, Down Farm – granted with conditions

20/02111/PNCOU Change of use for agricultural building to 2 dwellings, West of Valley View Farm – approval of prior approval

21/00042/FULL Formation of agricultural access NGR288771-119864 road from Broadmead X to Spurway Mill – awaiting decision

21/00126/Cat Tree surgery Little Daymer – no objection

21/00149/LBC Rebuilding chimney and repointing external elevations, Alridge Mill – granted

21/00269/FULL Conversion of agricultural barn to a dwelling, NGR288573-118253 West Whitnole – awaiting decision

21/00373/MFUL Installation of a solar farm, variation of Condition1 of permission previously granted under 12/01381/MFUL, to extend the time limit restriction for the life, Blatchworthy Farm – awaiting decision.  A time extension seemed sensible but the agent’s description of established landscaping was queried. Before passing any comment Cllr Widdowson agreed to look further at the site.

21/00429/CAT Reduction of the crown 1 oak tree by 2-3m, Jessica Cottage – awaiting decision

20/01789/FULL Change of use for the hall from sole use by holidaymakers to public use, DuVale Priory, Bampton. Cllr Knowles attended the recent meeting.  No decision has been reached as yet.

Cllr Knowles expressed concerns on the amount of building, some possibly without planning consent increasing in Stoodleigh, a classified conservation area.  Local woodland seems popular for clearance and shed erection. Even tree felling if the trees are over a certain diameter, needs permission from the Forestry Commission.

  1. Planning Issues outside of the usual notification for discussion

Western Power to replace and further installation of power lines, Rowhill to Ash Hill Farm. Both the immediate affected neighbours had been approached and although underground cabling would be preferable, neither lodged objection

Entrance and track 2 fields at Stoodleigh X. This was probably responsibility of 2 different parties and MDDC enforcement section had been informed to ascertain whether planning approval was required.

  1. The Playground -

No major failings were identified at the recent annual inspection. The platform above the slide was considered a little too high and the immediate area underneath will be raised with some additional turf, Cllr Knowles to ensure compliance. He is also to ask Matt Berry to replace a post and 2 other minor ones to meet compliance. The fact that the cradle swing is fractionally too near the other swings is a design fault.  

  1. S106 money

Following the playground inspection the investment in rubber matting is less important. There were no suggestions to merit the funding at present. £1000 has been reserved already for Stoodleigh. The clerk had been advised that the timing to apply for any such funding was not critical. District Cllr Moore was to verify this.

  1. “Doing What Matters” –

Cllr Widdowson agreed to answer this request from Highways which would help identify and prioritize the roads, drains needing attention within the budgetary constraints. Stoodleigh Drive and the road to the A361 were identified. Drains at Washfield Post, Vials Corner and Stoodleigh Moor X need maintenance or improvement. Verge ploughing has been discontinued and now earth from the hedges tends to fall into the road. Potholes feature once again.

  1. Spring Litter Pick –

Some residents are already being proactive and endeavouring to keep the village centre tidy. Equipment provision and rubbish disposal for an organised effort can be facilitated by District Cllr Stanley. With social distancing still in place it was thought that it might be sensible to leave the reflective jackets, bags, hand sanitizer etc. in the village hall porch so people can select their own time and place to join the effort. A National Litter Pick is scheduled for the end of May. Cllr Davey will confirm an actual date later for a local initiative.

  1. The Notice Board –

Cllr Talbot had noticed that the seal needs attention and the wood needs sanding and oil. Matt Berry to be asked to repair.

  1. The Church Path Gates –

Cllr Knowles has sorted the obvious damage caused by Stags when hanging their Sale Sign. He will remind Brett Wright again that the gates still need realignment and treatment with preservative

  1. Signpost Restoration –

It was agreed to recompense Chris Whitehead for the materials purchased so far. Any surplus funds from the £500 Locality Budget will need to be returned to DCC. The work is nearing completion and the efforts of Chris and Malcolm Jones is much appreciated.

  1. Draft Resource & Waste Strategy for Devon and Torbay Consultation –

the Chairman will complete the questionnaire.

  1. Dates for Future Meetings

these were agreed in principle and hopefully will be held in the Village Hall. The latest information is for the Hall to reopen after May 17th. Cllr Talbot will provisionally book the venue.

May 24th 2021 Annual Parish Council Meeting followed by a Parish Council & Finance Meeting

May 26th 2021 Annual Parish Meeting

July 26th 2021 Parish Council Meeting

September 27th 2021 Parish Council Meeting

November 29th 2021 Parish Council Meeting

January 31st 2022 Parish Council Meeting

March 28th 2022 Parish Council Meeting

May 23rd 2022 Annual Parish Council Meeting followed by Parish Council Meeting

May 25th 2022 Annual Parish Meeting

July 25th 2022 Parish Council Meeting

Lewis Clarke, the reporter for the local press had asked to be added to the circulation list for council agendas, minutes and meeting dates. The Clerk is to respond that all such information is readily accessible on the website.

  1. Donations –

It seems sensible to consider any such requests at the end of the financial year. It was also debated whether surplus funds would be better spent where the village could directly benefit rather than using council tax on wider although deserving charities. Marie Curie was given a donation in July.  St Margaret’s Church was considered to be a definite benefit to the community and this was agreed.

  1. Finance –

HSBC current account as at 12th February 2021  £7784.69 

NSI investment account as at 1st January 2021   £2841.62

Payments were approved

Clerk salary £720        

Administrative expenses £66.30               

HMRC £180

Chris Whitehead £246.49             

RoSPA £132.60                 

St Margaret’s  Church £400