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Minutes of Stoodleigh Parish Council Meeting held remotely on Monday, May 18th at 7.00pm.

Access was via Google Meet 

Members present

Chairman Cllr L Biles, Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson, Cllr S Davey, Cllr W Knowles, Cllr G Parkman, Cllr C Payne, Cllr G Talbot

1  Apologies

there were none except from District Cllr Stanley

2  Declarations of Interest

none declared

3  The Public

no members participated

4  Minutes of the Meeting held 27th January 

these were approved as a correct record having taken into account the suggestions made by Cllr Talbot

5  Reports

County and District Council. Although not in attendance a late report had been received from County Cllr Colthorpe which had yet to be circulated. Copy of this is now attached.

Cllr Davey wished for approval to write a reminder on behalf of the Council to the owner of Stoodleigh Court, with reference to the overhanging bushes and trees.  This was unanimously agreed.

Cllr Widdowson reported that the surface water problem on Stoodleigh Drive appeared to have been sorted – but once the rain returns it may be different

6  Planning

19/01772/FULL Alterations to existing barn, car park etc Devon Badger Watch Visitor Centre, East of Stoodleigh Barton NGR 2936000119749

20/00437/FULL and 20/00439/LBC Erection of toilet facilities, Stoodleigh Parish Hall

20/00478/FULL Erection of a balcony & barn conversion for ancillary accommodation, Wheatland Barn

20/00529/FULL Change from agriculture to mixed agriculture, rearing game birds & reinstallation of 2 feed silos, West Steart Farm

20/00542/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear & side extensions following demolition of existing building at Wheatland Farm

20/00654/CAT permission to fell 9 ash trees, Penbrae

20/00660/HOUSE Erection of a front porch & 2 storey extension, Fair View

With regard to 20/00660/HOUSE the occupier of the adjacent property had informed some of the Council of his concerns should planning permission be granted. These featured principally on possible structural damage to his dwelling, responsibility for future maintenance and a potential reduction of daylight where he was concerned. The matter was discussed and the Chairman will reply, the Council appreciated his concerns but felt that these were largely outside of their remit.

 There has been an increase in planning applications recently but Cllr Payne felt that none of these were particularly controversial.

7  Planning applications and Council involvement

Under the current situation site visits are not recommended so for the time being local knowledge and checking details on line was probably the best approach. Cllr Payne advised that each case should be looked at on their own merits.

8  The Playground

The playground is currently closed. Recommendations from the March H&S report will be discussed once the situation changes. There is evidence of mole damage which if continuing can be addressed at the next meeting.

9  Addendum to the Standing Orders

These are in legally in force until May 2021.  Basically they permit holding virtual council meetings and the postponement of Annual Election Council meetings, (if so required). The website will be suitably updated.

10  Finance

HSBC current account as at 12/5/20                         £10,006.67

The Fixed asset Register. The Clerk asked for guidance as to the state of items currently registered. If these are past use they should be removed from financial status. Cllr Knowles asked whether the Stoodleigh Club should be listed but it was decided that this was a village asset and not under parish council jurisdiction. The Clerk was requested to clarify the official depreciation policy.

Associated documents for the following had been circulated previously to all members.

i)The Annual Governance Statement – agreed

ii)The Accountability Return – agreed

iii)Exemption Certificate - agreed

The Chairman will sign the above once hard copies are received.  The internal auditor, who obliged at short notice asked for any financial recompense to go to Tiverton Hospital, League of Friends. It was agreed to make a donation of £50.

Cllr Davey queried that as the Council had previously made a donation to St Margaret’s Church did the Village Hall not qualify for support. The answer was that any written requests are considered.

Payments approved to the Clerk for October to March salary £720           HMRC £180         Admin costs £82.20         DALC £72.45.

Payments to the Village Hall £32 and Rospa £82.20 had already been sanctioned between meetings.