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Minutes of Stoodleigh Parish Council Meeting held remotely on Monday, November 30th at 7.00pm

Members present -: Chairman Cllr L Biles  Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr G Parkman Cllr C Payne

County Cllr P Colthorpe                 District Cllr A Moore

  1. Apologies – these were received from Cllr Talbot and Cllr Widdowson
  2. Declarations of Interest – none received
  3. The Public – there were no members of the public present
  4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held 28th September & 7th October – these were approved as a true record to be signed at a later date
  5. Reports

County Council – 2 reports had been circulated in advance. C Cllr Polly Colthorpe succeeded in joining the meeting a little late and offered to answer any associated questions

District Council – this report focused on finance. With government help the budget should only have a shortfall of £3 million. Covid 2019 has had a major effect on local businesses which includes revenue from council properties.  An amazing £29+ million has been given out to help both business and local individuals. Selective free car parking will be available at weekends in the run up to Christmas to encourage footfall.

Parish Council – most footpath issues seem to have been resolved.  The road drain at Emmerford Cross has been altered, although whether the result is satisfactory is still to be determined. The replacement salt bin at Kissing Gate X is yet to arrive.

Cllr Knowles has applied linseed oil to the damage on the Church Path Gates. It would appear that the gates would generally benefit from some refurbishment and a visit is awaited from Brett Wright who was commissioned to make the gates originally .   

In the forced absence of an Annual Parish Meeting and coffee mornings this year the opportunity for residents to raise concerns on an informal basis has been obliterated.  After some discussion on the best way to encourage more two way communication it was decided to put a flier with contact councillor numbers, responsibilities etc. in the newsletter. Cllr Knowles actioned to research further.

  1. Planning

ENF/20/00231/Rural Pine Cottage, building and excavation activity – ongoing

20/01355/FULL Erection of livestock and storage building NGR 294241 near Emmerford Cross. This application although technically in Washfield provoked discussion as the adjacent road is frequently used by Stoodleigh residents. Unsuitable access, excess soil & drainage flowing into the road and possible water pollution were the main concerns.   It was decided to register an objection.

20/00650/FULL Erection of an equestrian worker’s dwelling Lower Ford – granted with conditions

20/01549/CAT Felling & the trimming of trees, The Old Forge – no objection

20/01576/HOUSE Conversion of a double garage to ancillary accommodation etc, Drake’s Mead Barn – permission granted

20/01611/CAT Notification to fell 6 Ash Trees, Quoit-a-Cross – no objection

20/01789/FULL Change of use from holiday makers to the general public, at Duvale Priory, Bampton. This was fully discussed and the decision was taken to register an objection. The main concern was noise. There have been previous complaints on this and opening the hall to larger numbers of attendees on probably a more frequent basis can only exacerbate the problem. It was felt that the Exe Valley was renown as an unspoilt part of the county and this facility would not be in keeping with the local environment.

Alridge Mill – the correspondence concerning the alterations at this property had already been circulated. The owners are now fully aware of the necessary planning protocol and procedures. It was decided to monitor the situation, keeping lines of communication open for both parties.

  1. Playground

The playground is now open thanks to the efforts of Cllr Widdowson and others. A new picnic bench is now in situ. The major repairs have been completed.  A solitary mole has been caught and Cllr Parkman will establish payment. Cllr Knowles wishes to be present at the next RoSPA annual inspection to discuss the existing bark and moss coverage which he believes gives adequate protection against falls from the equipment.

The £600 bill for grass cutting came in just in time for consideration at this meeting.

The deeds are now lodged, with no charge at Ashford Solicitors in Tiverton

  1. Defibrillator

The battery and pads have been replaced. It was agreed that the recommended replacement dates should be made easily visible in the cabinet. Replacement of an external seal was not deemed essential.

  1. Finance

Current HSBC Account 12/11/20 £8553.79

The proposed budget 2012/2022 had been circulated beforehand and it was agreed to keep the precept at £4000 for the next year.

Payments were approved to J Widdowson £418.50 + 15.75 + 224.85 (all associated payments were for the playground)       C Hill £600