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MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held remotely on Saturday 1 May at 5pm via Google Meet


Present Councillors:   W Knowles, G Parkman, C Payne and G Talbot

In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Talbot proposed, and it was agreed, that Cllr Payne chair the meeting.

1          Apologies:  Councillors L Biles, S Davey and J Widdowson

2          Declarations of Interest:  Cllr Talbot declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 5 and a prejudicial interest in Item 6 (and left the meeting prior to this item)

3          The Public: There were no members of the public present.

4          Planning application - 21/00785/HOUSE | Erection of a double garage following removal of partially demolished existing garage | Moss Rose Cottage Stoodleigh 

            Prior to the meeting members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this application.     

            Following discussion it was, unanimously:-

     RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this application.

5          Planning notification:   21/00755/CAT | Notification of intention to fell one Beech tree and prune branches over public road and driveway from one Beech tree by 1-1.5m within a Conservation Area | Moss Rose Cottage Stoodleigh

            Prior to the meeting members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this notification

            Following discussion it was, unanimously:-

     RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council recommends that

  • in respect of the beech tree furthest from the road (T1), the heavy top branches be trimmed from above the diseased area and other branches be reduced, and the tree not be taken out; and
  • in respect of the tree nearest the road (T2) that the two branches hanging over the road be removed.

6          Planning notification:   21/00783/CAT | Notification of intention to reduce the crown of 1 Oak tree (T1) by 1.5m within a Conservation Area | Jessica Cottage Stoodleigh

            Prior to the meeting members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this notification.

            Following discussion it was, unanimously:-

            RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this notification.


