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Agenda for the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council to be held in the Parish Hall at 7pm Monday 26 July

Members -: Chairman Cllr L Biles  Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr G Talbot

  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. The Public – an opportunity to speak on items on the agenda
  4. Minutes of the Meetings held 24th May and July 5th – to be approved
  5. Reports

County & District Council

Parish Councillors regards allocated responsibilities

  1. Appointment of a Snow Warden
  2. Planning Applications and Outcomes

21/00007/TPO Tree preservation order issued 2021, Beech Trees at Moss Rose Cottage

21/00429/CAT Reduction of the crown of 1 oak tree, Jessica Cottage – closed

21/00755/CAT To fell I beech tree and prune branches over a public road, Moss Rose Cottage – closed

21/00783/CAT Notification of intention to reduce the crown of 1 oak tree, Jessica Cottage – no objection

21/00785/HOUSE Erection of a double garage following partial demolition of an existing garage, Moss Rose Cottage – grant permission

21/00932/PNAG Prior notification of erection of a livestock building, Warbright Wood – refused

21/01073/FULL Erection of a dwelling following demolition of an agricultural building NGR288469 118603 North of Whitnole Beeches – awaiting decision

21/01251/TPO Intention to fell 3 ash trees, Jessica Cottage – awaiting decision

21/01342/CAT Reduce the height & crown of a birch tree, Langdale – awaiting decision

21/02111/PNCOU Change of use land & buildings NGR293624 120335, West of Valley View – awaiting decision


  1. Potential unauthorised developments within the parish – discuss

Statement from the LCWO –the publication request and any official response

  1. The Playground – update on the issues previously identified for attention
  2. S106 monies – how best to utilise £1000 available funds
  3. The Neighbourhood Plan
  4. Surveys – how best to respond

Parish Survey buildings at Risk

National Bus Strategy Survey

Peninsula Transport Consultation

Cullompton Master Plan

  1. Definitive Parish Review – meeting 21/9/21 at Washfield
  2. Finance

HSBC current account £ 9855.95 as at 12/7/21

Report from the Internal Auditor

Payments to be approved £70 J Larcombe                           

Parish Hall £ 250 (surplus funds from the Locality Budget)