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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on Monday, January 31st 2022 at 8.00pm in the Parish Hall

Members present -: Chairman Cllr L Biles, Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson, Cllr S Davey, Cllr G Parkman, Cllr C Payne, Cllr G Talbot

District Cllr R Stanley

  1. Apologies – none received
  2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Widdowson declared a personal interest in planning application 21/01953/FULL although the outcome had already been decided
  3. The Public – no members present
  4. Minutes of the Meetings held 29th November & January 6th – these were approved and signed as a true record
  5. Reports

District Council, Ray Stanley - The target to save £4 million on the budget has almost been achieved. He also recommended that it would be worthwhile someone attending the Zoom meeting next week on the Mid Devon Plan Consultation.

The trial of 3 weekly residual waste collection has been concluded and collections will now change from the current fortnightly arrangement to comply. Wheelie bins have been proposed to replace black bags but this has logistical implications for some residential properties.

Cllr Talbot had sent a community email as agreed at the November meeting to raise local awareness of general parish matters including any proposed planning. As two people had verbally responded Cllr Widdowson thought it would be worthwhile to repeat this type of email before all future parish council meetings.

Cllr Widdowson reminded the meeting that the offer of a presentation from the police on crime prevention was still to be arranged. It was agreed to try and arrange at the Annual Parish Meeting in May.

  1. Planning Applications and Outcomes

18/01711/MFUL Formation of an open clamp for silage, access etc Gibbet Moor – permission granted

21/01953/FULL Associated development in conjunction with 20/02111/PNCOU at Valley View Farm – permission granted

21/02277/TPO to fell 12 ash trees & reduce the crown of 1 oak tree, part Ford Plantation – permission granted

21/02319/FULL Erection of 5 holiday lodges & associated parking, reception/store and all terrain vehicle store, Highwood Farm and former Holmingham Quarry – decision awaited. The consultation date has now been extended to 21/2/22 as this application did not appear to have been well publicized initially and had attracted a number of late comments, if not actual written objections. The resident wildlife in the quarry is of major concern as noted from the public response. District Cllr Stanley is to seek further advice from DCC.

21/02327/CAT To fell 2 ash trees and prune 1 oak, 1 Sawyard Cottages – permission granted

21/02410/HOUSE Erection of front & rear single storey extension, Broadmead Farm – permission granted

21/02486/5day to fell 2 ash trees, Rowhill – permission granted

22/00045/PNFG Erection of a forestry field shelter, NGR289068 120163, Hatherland Wood – permission granted.

The recent spate of new forestry buildings in and around Great Wood is still being investigated and at least 8 different parties need to be contacted for further information.

The situation with alterations at Stoodleigh X, (21/01420/FUL), involving 2 owners is still ongoing and some modification to the first planning application is likely.

It was thought that the term “consultee” refers to a number of organisations who may have an interest in an application, Highways, Environment etc.  “Neighbour” on a communication letter applies to those with an address in the immediate vicinity.  

  1. The Playground – only the slide frame classified as “medium risk” with regard from the height to ground level still needs attention. Cllr Widdowson will visit again to determine the best resolution, soil or bark. Cllr Talbot had noticed a minor problem with the entrance gate. It was agreed that the RoSPA March inspection should be by appointment so that Cllr Widdowson can be present.
  2. The Church Boundary Wall – nothing has happened to date despite attempt to ascertain responsibility for this wall and subsequently who is liable for the repair. The Clerk will try Ashfords, solicitors for a second time as they hold the deeds. The Churchwarden has similarly been unsuccessful as response from the Diocese regarding St Margaret’s boundaries is still awaited.
  3. Highways and Footpaths – there is evidence of dog fouling and even horse droppings on the Church path. Steve Densham may be able to provide new advisory signs. The surface of the footpath was deemed adequate by a visiting authority but the council still consider it substandard for a regularly used right of way. The associated drains are blocked and any significant rainfall causes flooding. Clerk to contact County Cllr Chesterton who before Xmas promised to raise the matter with the appropriate department.
  4. Parish Review –MDDC are inviting suggestions with the parish review, giving opportunity to adjust parish boundaries, change names of parishes and other desired modifications. Cllr Talbot had provided a map to help discussion.   When the A361 Link Road was built it cut through the southern edge of Stoodleigh leaving a small parcel on the far side. Apparently it has already been recommended that this small area should be reclassified as Templeton; the council thought this sensible.  Lower Dryhill is an example of a property that could potentially be listed either in Washfield or Stoodleigh. Selecting geographical features apart from the river, to modify any parish boundary change in this vicinity is not obvious and could affect several residents. A community email appeared the best way to draw attention to the subject. 
  5. Airband Introduction – this topic arose from the notification to erect a new pole at 1, Rackenford Road, Loxbeare. The intention is to improve broadband connectivity in the long term. Representatives from Airband are apparently to visit parish meetings to explain the plan and determine those more remote properties who may benefit most from this introduction.
  6. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – on the last Jubilee occasion the various organisations associated with Stoodleigh contributed to the event and this was well attended by 230 people. Cllr Talbot supported the idea of marking the event but had as yet not established much enthusiasm from residents or identified volunteers to help.
  7. Finance

HSBC current account balance as at 12/1/22         £8145.13

As from November 2021 HSBC has introduced banking charges and the Council will pay £8 per month standing charge and £1 per cheque. It may be possible to have this slightly reduced by further discussion and arguing a case. It was agreed that the Clerk should approach other banks with branches still open in Tiverton to ascertain their terms.

Copies of the cash book were circulated, allocated funds shown against last year’s budget. Allowance was made for the anticipated request from St Margaret’s, the new  treasurer being Yvonne Lang.

Retrospective payment with regard to Playground repairs, funded in the interim by Cllr Widdowson was approved £268.27