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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on Monday July 26 2021 in the Village Hall

Members present:

Chairman Cllr L Biles  Vice-Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot

County Cllr R Chesterton and District Cllr A Moore


  1. Apologies – none received
  2. Declarations of Interest – personal interests were declared regarding Item 7. Cllr Talbot on the planning application 21/01342/CAT and Cllrs Davey, Talbot and Widdowson on 21/01387/FULL in conjunction with 21/02111/PNOU
  3. The Public – no one present
  4. Minutes of the Meetings held 24th May and July 5th – these were approved and signed as true record
  5. Reports

County Council – Cllr Chesterton had circulated a report earlier in the day and invited any questions, copy attached. Cllr Talbot commended the Highways repair team on a prompt response to a pothole report.

District Council – Cllr Moore reported that there was an overspend of 65K by MDDC in the past year. The Revenue and Benefits Team had distributed 91/92% of the available funds to help small business sector. The MDDC proposed Social Housing Strategy was well received. The modular housing idea for rented accommodation provides rapid erection in 24 hours once the site is prepared and complies with current environmental thinking. These units are very cost effective and can utilise brown field sites. District Cllr Moore said that both the planning and enforcement sections of MDDC were beginning to catch up with the back log. The National Audit Office announced that over the last 10 years there had been a 50% cut in funding, which highlights the current situation.

Councillors – Cllr Davey stated that there would be a delay in finishing the signpost restoration as the lettering ordered was of the wrong size and font so had to be replaced. The SWAP box remains empty and in need of a thorough clean before reuse and probably requires Covid signage. It would be helpful if contributors to the box were slightly more discriminating on the material donated as some has to be taken to the recycling depot for disposal. Cllr Talbot is to approach Trevor & Shirley Cope for their thoughts on reopening the facility.

Cllr Payne was disappointed that the dwelling at Stoodleigh Beacon had been approved.

Cllr Widdowson would soon complete the necessary repairs to the playground equipment. The noticeboard had been well refurbished by Roger Hill. He went on to report a less than satisfactory pothole repair along from Stoodleigh Moor X. The lack of compaction had actually made the situation worse and he considered a waste of resources. He agreed to forward the details and photographs to Cllr Chesterton for investigation. Cllr Knowles has still to organise adjustment and treatment to the Church Path Gates.

  1. Appointment of a Snow Warden – this had been overlooked at the annual parish council meeting. The proposed training had never come to fruition, but Cllr Knowles was prepared to take on the responsibility and continue to monitor and refill the grit box.
  1. Planning Applications and Outcomes

21/00007/TPO Tree preservation order issued 2021, Beech Trees at Moss Rose Cottage

21/00429/CAT Reduction of the crown of 1 oak tree, Jessica Cottage – closed

21/00755/CAT To fell I beech tree and prune branches over a public road, Moss Rose Cottage – closed

21/00783/CAT Notification of intention to reduce the crown of 1 oak tree, Jessica Cottage – no objection

21/00785/HOUSE Erection of a double garage following partial demolition of an existing garage, Moss Rose Cottage – grant permission

21/00932/PNAG Prior notification of erection of a livestock building, Warbright Wood – refused

21/01073/FULL Erection of a dwelling following demolition of an agricultural building NGR288469 118603 North of Whitnole Beeches – approved

21/01251/TPO Intention to fell 3 ash trees, Jessica Cottage – awaiting decision

21/01342/CAT Reduce the height & crown of a birch tree, Langdale – council to carry out a site visit

20/02111/PNCOU Change of use land & buildings NGR293624 120335, West of Valley View – Class Q granted. There is now an associated application in to approve a change of building materials for the roof and walls 21/01387/FULL.

  1. Potential unauthorised developments within the parish – the additional gateways off the field by the A361 have been reported to the relevant authority and left to the department. Cllr Moore will enquire for an update as residents still have concerns.

The statement issued by the Lower Champles Wood Owners was deemed not appropriate for the Stoodleigh Website. MDDC has carried out a site visit and the owners of the various parcels of land identified, some of which have had permission to erect forestry sheds.

The government has extended the limit for temporary campsites from 28 to 56 days in order to help the small business. Cllr Talbot asked how this affected yurts. The rules are quite complex and where there is any doubt the situation is best monitored before jnstigating further action.

  1. The Playground – attention to the minor repairs has been started. Where the ground needs to be slightly raised for compliance it was decided to use additional turf rather than bark; rolls to be purchased later in the year.
  2. S106 monies – Cllr Davey is to get 3 quotes for an outdoor bench, wood and recycled options. Clerk to ascertain the owner of the cricket field and seek permission for a site. Then formal application can be made.
  3. The Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Chesterton explained that this is different from the Parish Plan and more concentrated on planning issues. It was decided not to take further action
  4. Surveys – the Clerk posed the question on how best to deal with these as many seemed inappropriate for the parish council to complete and asked whether any one person should take responsibility. The council concluded that the surveys should continue to be generally circulated and it would be up to individuals if they wished to respond.

Parish Survey Buildings at Risk – Cllr Moore was aware that to gather the information to compile such a register was to be approached in a different way and advised that no action be taken at present.

National Bus Service Strategy was discussed but no firm conclusion reached.

Peninsula Transport Consultation & The Cullompton Master Plan were not considered of particular relevance to Stoodleigh .

  1. The Definitive Parish View – The Clerk had thought that the footpath which concerned some Stoodleigh residents was to be an item on the agenda for the next Washfield Parish Council Meeting 21st Cllr Moore understood that the date of the meeting had been changed, Clerk to clarify. Cllr Knowles has found some historical maps which may solve the question of this right of way. He will forward these to Tania Weeks, the relevant officer.
  2. Finance

HSBC current account balance as at 12/7/21         £9855.95

The audit had been completed satisfactorily and the Clerk highlighted some of the suggestions made for the future. The Exemption Certificate has been lodged with the External auditors.

HSBC are in the process of carrying out a Safeguard Review – but the program to capture the relevant information has now been found unsuitable for parish councils. NFA to date

The budget figures were added to the circulated Cashflow record – an auditor recommendation.

Payments were approved to J Larcombe £70 ( internal auditor) and Stoodleigh Parish Hall £250 (surplus money from the Locality Budget  grant)