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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on Monday 28th March 2022 in the Parish Hall at 7.00pm

Members present -:

Vice Chair-  Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot

District Cllr A Moore

  1. Apologies – these were received from Cllr Biles and County Cllr Chesterton
  2. Declarations of Interest – none were made
  3. The Public – there were 10 members present.

The outside interest revolved around the planning application 21/01420/FULL: Change of use from agricultural to part small holding, breeding kennels and temporary mobile home NGR 289870 116865 Stoodleigh Moor X. The applicants behind this application wished to stress that owing to technical difficulties the MDDC website was not a true reflection of the current situation. Any reference to building kennels should have been deleted and likewise the top gate entrance. A financial business plan was originally submitted. Cllr A Moore advised that although legally work can commence on a site before any planning permission is sought this can be disrespectful to local residents and costly if eventually refused and reinstatement required.  He went on to advise that his understanding of the current enforcement situation regarding this particular site, case officer John Millar, was that any non-related agricultural items will need to be removed within a specified time period. He felt it still worthwhile to submit comments to MDDC, for or against the revised plans. 

The comments from the floor can be best summarised as follows: common frustration felt in the local community, the site is considered  an eyesore and detrimental to the local countryside, doubts as whether a staff caravan has a proven need and dismay at the apparent disregard to obtaining planning before commencement of works.

22/0411/PE Hybrid planning to provide an agricultural hub – Land at Stoneland X. This caused considerably less reaction from the floor, only that an industrial site would be more suitable. (North Devon planning reference 74775)

  1. Minutes of the Meeting held January 31st these were approved and signed as a true record.
  2. Reports

County Council – although unable to attend the meeting Richard Chesterton circulated a report

District Council - 3 weekly black bag waste collections have been approved in principle. The MDDC budget was approved in February.

 The consultation on the MD Local Plan is still live. The State of the District Debate is next week on ZOOM. Both these topics are worth participation. There is information on the website covering the Ukraine situation and “Team Devon” is hoping for appropriate, helpful response from the public in all manner of ways to help the refugees.

  1. Planning Applications and Outcomes

21/01420/FULL The council had lodged an objection to the first plan and felt that the revised plan had not significantly changed the situation. Cllr Talbot queried the need for a caravan and was concerned about implied future development. Cllr Knowles thought the site was an environmental disaster for the area. It was unanimously decided to submit a second objection.

22/0411/PE Cllr Payne thought that this proposal was better suited to an industrial site, especially as other units may be involved. The traffic hazard at the A361 junction would be significantly increased.  Highways have apparently identified this as a problem already. Rackenford Parish Council have registered a detailed argument against approval.   Although Stoodleigh council would wish to support local business and associated employment, it was agreed that the applicant has outgrown the current premises but it was felt that this was the wrong location.  A vote was taken 4 objections, 2 abstentions.     

  1. The Playground – Cllr Widdowson had attended the annual inspection. The only outstanding issue to correct is to fractionally reduce at the fall height from some equipment. Cllr Widdowson agreed to rectify with some topsoil and additional turf.
  2. Church Boundary Wall – the area is currently roped off where the repair is needed. The actual responsibility for the wall is still in question. Cllr Talbot had sight of Diocese guidance on such matters and felt that the Church was responsible and because of the proximity to some graves, repair would need specialist advice. It was agreed for Cllr Widdowson to arrange a meeting with the Church Wardens.
  3. Highways

Plenty of potholes in the locality but the only solution is to keep reporting.

The application deadline for the “20 is plenty” initiative is imminent. Although the council always express concern on vehicles excessively speeding through the village it was felt that signage reducing the speed limit further from 30mph would have little effect.   

The Church Path is in an acceptable state in dry weather but the broken drains render the surface very poor in the wet. Cllr Moore will try and get some resolution. Cllr Moore also recommended the Parish Paths Partnership Scheme which does provide a small financial contribution towards repair, but relies heavily on enthusiastic volunteers.   

  1. Spring Litter Pick – Cllr Davey is prepared to coordinate the initiative with help from District Cllr Stanley. The last time the information required beforehand and the subsequent form filling were somewhat of a disincentive. A community email with a selection of dates will be circulated to encourage volunteers.
  2. Fraud Protection, presentation by the Police. This comes with good recommendation and has been scheduled for the 6th July 2022, 7.00pm in the Parish Hall. Everyone is most welcome
  3. Stoodleigh Easter Market and Coffee Morning 16th April – this is an opportunity for people to informally meet the councillors and discuss any issues. Chairman to ensure support from council members.
  4. Schedule of Meetings agreed

July 25th 2022 Parish Council

September 26th 2022 Parish Council

November 28th 2022 Parish Council

January 30th 2023 Parish Council

March 27th 2023 Parish Council

May 22nd 2023 Annual Parish Council Meeting followed by a Parish Council Meeting


July 24th 2023 Parish Council

  1. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Cllr Talbot has been canvassing interest. The Church is having a flower festival 2-5 June & also holding a special service. The Stoodleigh Inn plans to hold an event on June 3rd. The other idea is to hold a Commemorative Jamboree June 4th, this would include a special tea party outside the parish hall which hopefully would be sponsored by local organisations. Last time a similar event was held more money was raised than donated. Entrance would be by ticket only and estimated at 80 attendees x £5 head. Cllr Davey proposed a donation of £300 on behalf of the council, seconded by Cllr Widdowson agreed. Cllr Knowles reported that several parishioners would like to “Fly the Flag” to mark the occasion. The churchwardens apparently have concerns on the practical implications of raising such a flag. The subject is to be further discussed by Cllr Widdowson.
  2. Risk Assessment – this had been previously circulated and was duly signed by the Vice-Chair.
  3. Tiverton High school Rebuild – the council supported in principle the value of moving the school to a larger more suitable site, Clerk to respond
  4. Ukrainian Refugee Hosting – the council was totally in favour of some involvement in this project. The curate Clare Curtis seems to be a useful contact. Help can be useful in a variety of ways, not just with accommodation but with general support and help to integrate into a new environment and society.  
  5. Finance

HSBC current balance as at 12/3/22  £7501.13

HSBC introduced charges in November. Barclays and Lloyds offer free community banking but will not take on new clients at present.

Donation requests – the council agreed to give £400 to the church, but declined to make any other donations this year.

Payments were approved to:  Parish Hall £28  Playsafety £134.40  HMRC £180                                                     Clerk salary £720  Admin expenses £120.39