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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday September 28 at 7.00pm

Members present -: Chairman Cllr L Biles  Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr G Talbot

District Cllr R Stanley

1. Apologies – these were received from Cllr J Widdowson & Cllr C Payne

2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Knowles declared a pecuniary interest in the planning item 18/01711/MFUL and vacated the room when this was discussed

3. The Public – no members of the public were present

4. Minutes of the Meetings held 26th & 31st July – these were approved and signed as a true record

5. Reports

District Council – The Corporate Housing Strategy for the next 5 years has just been published. Planning appeal concerning Du Vale, response is still awaited.

Gibbet Moor planning application will be heard on November 4th. This prompted much discussion when first submitted and should anyone be interested in attending the hearing regards Gibbet Moor and wish to speak, they need to submit their names and register with Sally Gabriel, the Clerk MDDC

Cllr Davey had again contacted Stuart Howells on the state of the potholes and broken drains on Footpath 1. As such this access route is only subject to an annual inspection so for a solution to the ongoing problem it may require community intervention being a popular footpath. District Cllr Stanley agreed to raise the issue with Richard Chesterton

Cllr Knowles had been advised that a light sanding and an application of teak oil would be the best treatment for the Church Path gates. He will ask Steve Partridge for a quote to include also adjustment to the catch.

Highways - There is apparently a drain cover dislodged opposite Shilhay on the Stoodleigh Drive.

7. Planning Applications and Outcomes

18/01711/FULL Formation of an open silage clamp, access Gibbet Moor Farm NGR288069 117081 – decision awaited. There has been much opposition to this application and whether it is classified as industrial or agricultural development. The main issues are the environmental impact and possible pollution of the Little Dart and also the inevitable increase in heavy traffic. A further comment is to be submitted to MDDC although these concerns have been documented previously. 

21/01189/CAT Fell 1 conifer at Court Place – no objection

21/01251/TPO Application to fell 3 Ash trees, Jessica Cottage – grant permission

21/01342/CAT Attention to a Birch Tree, Langdale – no objection

21/01387/FULL Associated operational development and change of use, Valley View Farm – grant permission

8. Signpost Restoration – this has finally been completed with a pleasing result. A letter of thanks on behalf of the Parish Council is to be sent to Malcolm Jones and Chris Whitehead in recognition of the time voluntarily spent on the project.

9. The SWAP Box – this is back in business as such and being used

10. The Playground – in the absence of Cllr Widdowson, Cllr Knowles stated that he considered the area was safe to use with a good covering of grass. The turf by the slide is still to be fractionally raised and some wooden pegs associated with the swing are to be replaced

11. S106 monies – the clerk had had acknowledgement that the application had been received and that a decision should be made shortly. A recycled bench had been chosen by the cricket club to complement existing furniture should the grant be allocated.

12. Definitive Map Review – The Washfield PC meeting is due to be held this week. Several members of Stoodleigh are likely to attend. Cllr Knowles has a 1920 estate map which defines clearly the right of way from Pond House to Lower Dry Hill and identifies those people who have undisputed passage.

13. The November Parish Council meeting – it was agreed to leave the date as the last Monday in November as per usual. Should Covid guidance change in the meantime and the main hall be unavailable on that night a decision will be taken nearer the time.

14. Finance

HSBC current account as at 12/09/21       £9535.95

The Safeguard Review with the bank had been concluded

Payments were approved to R Hill £70.75             Stoodleigh Parish Hall £34

Clerk salary £720               HMRC £180         Admin expenses £108.80