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MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on Saturday 31 July at 2.45pm at Stoodleigh Parish Hall


Present Councillors:    W Knowles, G Parkman, C Payne and G Talbot

In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Payne proposed, and it was agreed, that Cllr Knowles chair the meeting.


1          Apologies:  Councillors S Davey and J Widdowson

2          Declarations of Interest:  Cllr Talbot declared personal interests in Item 4, as the applicant was a friend, and in Item 5, as the applicant was a neighbour. Cllr Knowles declared a personal interest in Item 4 as the applicant was a friend.

3          The Public: There were two members of the public present.

4          Planning Application:   21/01387/FULL | Associated operational development, in conjunction with  20/02111/PNCOU for the change of use of an existing agricultural building to dwelling | Land and Buildings at NGR 293624 120335 (West Of Valley View Farm) Stoodleigh

Prior to the meeting members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this notification.

            Following discussion it was, unanimously:-

RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this application.

5          Planning Application21/01342/CAT | Notification of intention to reduce 1 Birch tree in height by up to  2.5m and remaining crown by up to 1.5m | Langdale Stoodleigh

Prior to the meeting members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this notification.

                Following discussion it was, unanimously:-

RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council  support this application.