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Agenda for the Annual Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council

to be held in the Parish Hall, 7.00pm on May 23 2022


Members -:

Cllr L Biles   Cllr S Davey   Cllr W Knowles   Cllr G Parkman   Cllr C Payne   Cllr G Talbot   J Widdowson

DCC Cllr R Chesterton     District Cllrs A Moore & R Stanley


  1. Election of Chairman
  1. Apologies
  1. Declarations of Interest
  2. Retiring Chairman’s Report
  1. Appointment of a Vice Chairman
  1. Allocation of Responsibilities

Planning – to agree the format for dealing with planning applications

Personnel – to agree any format for dealing with issues

Finance – to confirm the format for payment of invoices

Agree signatories for the HSBC account

  1. Areas of possible liaison for councillors

Website                       Police                    Playground        

Highways                     Footpaths           Parish Hall   

Snow Warden

  1. Official Documentation – confirmation that all members are in receipt of Standing Orders or are familiar with access via the internet
  1. Finance – councillors to receive a copy of the budget for the coming year


S Phillips, Clerk to the Parish Council 14/5/22