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Agenda for the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, to be held in the Village Hall at 7.00pm Monday July 25

Members -: Chairman Cllr W Knowles  Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr S Davey  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot


  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. The Public – an opportunity for the public to speak concerning items on the agenda
  4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held May 23rd and July 4th – to be approved
  5. Planning reports and outcomes

21/01420/FULL Erection of an agricultural building, poly tunnels & raised beds, septic tanks & new vehicular access NGR 289870 116865 Stoodleigh  X – revised application

22/00758/FULL Formation of access and erection of a new gate, NGR 291780 119362, Sherwood – withdrawn

22/0763/PNCOU Change of use from an agricultural building to a dwelling under Class Q, Hangman’s Hill NGR 292101 120229 – refusal of prior approval

22/00968/LBC To replace Back Door, The Old Forge – decision awaited

22/00999/FULL Erection of a dwelling following the removal of existing buildings NGR 289588 120181, Bellbrook Trout Fishery, Oakford – awaiting decision

22/01184/CAT To fell 3 leylandii trees, Court Place – no objection

  1. Shadow Ponds – discuss the proposal from Dave Harris for what was previously Ford Plantation when owned by Paul Burnett
  2. Reports
  3. a) County and District Council
  4. b) Councillors
  1. Vacancy on the Parish Council – progress to date
  1. The Defibrillator – decide on who is to take responsibility
  1. Highways & Footpaths

Access to Footpath 10 – any decision reached concerning the permissive bridleway issue

Church Path – progress with the broken drain and surface flooding issues

Church Path Gates – situation with adjustment and maintenance

  1. The Playground

- update on any maintenance/repairs especially the see saw

- the current situation with the Churchyard boundary wall repair. The PC insurance does not cover any expenditure in this context

- the grass cutting arrangements 2022

  1. The Cricket Field – current situation regards the “dog fouling” issue and public access
  1. Police matters – the Fraud Protection Presentation

                                     - invitation to accompany officers on patrol

  1. Mid Devon Mobility – the request to advertise the service and the Food Hub       
  1. Finance –

Current Nat West balance as at 12/6/22                 £11,910.34          

Highlights from the Auditors report

Approve payments to Jill Larcombe £70

Credit of £93.29, surplus monies from the Jubilee fund.



S Phillips, Clerk 15/07/2022