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Notice of Meeting


A Special (Planning) Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 7 September at 7pm at Stoodleigh Parish Hall



Councillors  W Knowles (Chairman), J Widdowson (Vice Chairman), S Davey, G Parkman, C Payne, G Talbot and D Wotton




  1. Apologies
  1. Declarations of Interest
  1. The Public - opportunity for members of the Public to speak in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting
  1. Planning Application:  22/01572/FULL | Formation of an all weather riding arena | Land and Buildings at NGR 292814 120014 (West Steart Farm) Stoodleigh

Details of the application can be found at:  


Sandra Phillips

Clerk to Stoodleigh Parish Council                                                                            
