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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on Monday May 23 2022 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall


Members present:

Cllr L Biles  Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot

County Cllr R Chesterton

  1. Election of Chairman – the previous Chairman Cllr Biles announced his wish to resign from the council. William Knowles was unanimously elected in his place, nominated by Cllr Biles and seconded by Cllr Parkman
  2. Apologies – these were received from Cllr Widdowson and District Cllr R Stanley
  3. Declarations of Interest – none received
  4. Retiring Chairman’s Report – the report was read by Leo Biles before leaving
  5. Appointment of a Vice-Chair – Cllr Widdowson was unanimously elected to continue in post, nominated in his absence but with his prior consent, by Cllr Talbot and seconded by Cllr Davey
  6. Allocation of Responsibilities

Planning – to visit application sites where necessary with Cllr Payne acting as co-ordinator. He apparently finds the NDDC planning portal much more user friendly as this includes the link to the actual application, whereas the MDDC consultation letter omits this helpful guide.

Personnel – the responsibility for this rests with the Chair and Vice-Chairman

Finance – payments to be approved at the bi-monthly council meetings. Cllr Knowles will be added to the signatory panel along with Cllr Widdowson and the Clerk. Leo Biles to be removed.

  1. Areas of possible liaison for councillors

Website – Cllr Talbot (in association with Jean Winter)   

Police – Cllr Widdowson                               

Playground – Cllr Widdowson

Planning – Cllr Payne

Highways – Cllr Knowles                              

Footpaths – Cllr Davey

Parish Hall – Cllr Parkman            

Defibrillator – in the interim, Phil Talbot has kindly offered to continue a monthly check of the battery and in the event of a failure will report to the council for action.

Snow Warden – Cllr Knowles was prepared to assist on an informal basis but declined being officially recognised as such. He had been made aware of potential insurance issues and the legality of using red/white diesel when on a call out. County Cllr Chesterton will raise general awareness of this problem

  1. Official documentation – to assist members in viewing the Standing Orders on line, Cllr Talbot offered to circulate the link. These can also be made available in hard copy.

Finance – a copy of the budget agreed in November was recirculated