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Minutes of Stoodleigh Parish Council Meeting held on July 25 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Members present -: Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr S Davey  Cllr Parkman  Cllr Payne  Cllr G Talbot

District Cllr A Moore

  1. Apologies – these were received for Cllrs R Chesterton and W Knowles
  2. Declarations of Interest – there were none declared
  3. The Public – there were 2 members present, one of whom was possibly interested in becoming a councillor at a future date.
  4. Minutes of the Meetings held on May 23rd and July 4th – these were approved and signed as a true record. As Cllr Widdowson was absence for the last meeting Cllr Talbot proposed acceptance and Cllr Davey seconded approval.
  5. Planning Reports and Outcomes

21/01420/FULL Erection of an agricultural building, poly tunnels & raised beds, septic tanks & new vehicular access NGR 289870 116865 Stoodleigh X – revised application

This is still a contentious application where the local community is concerned. Although the authority was inclined to give approval, after several voiced their objections at the formal planning meeting a final decision has been deferred until after a site visit. Cllr Widdowson expressed his thanks to District Councillor Moore for his procedural guidance. Cllr Talbot questioned how aspects of the original application appeared to be side lined but might be considered at a later date, in particular the original proposal to erect dog breeding kennels.

22/00758/FULL Formation of access and erection of a new gate, NGR 291780 119362, Sherwood – withdrawn

22/0763/PNCOU Change of use from an agricultural building to a dwelling under Class Q, Hangman’s Hill NGR 292101 120229 – refusal of prior approval

22/00968/LBC To replace Back Door, The Old Forge – decision awaited

22/00999/FULL Erection of a dwelling following the removal of existing buildings NGR 289588 120181, Bellbrook Trout Fishery, Oakford – awaiting decision

22/01184/CAT To fell 3 leylandii trees, Court Place – no objection

Shadow Ponds – the new owner Dave Harris had requested to personally explain to the council his envisaged changes to what was Pt Ford Plantation previously called Burnett’s Sheds and Fencing. His business deals in large antiques, furniture, urns and so on and his present property in Culmstock is not ideal for lorries collecting and delivering. Once the existing wooden buildings are demolished his vision is to create a range of community workshops appealing to those with associated trades. He is thinking 6 units and a coffee room and toilet facilities for the occupants.  Stage 2 is to eventually build a house for his young family to grow up in a rural environment, appreciating nature. He stressed that the natural countryside was important to him. He concluded by saying that in due course he would make formal application for planning consent to MDDC.

  1. Reports –

In the absence of the County Councillor Richard Chesterton his report had been circulated.

District Council – the 3 week residual waste collection is about to start, apparently this will encourage more targeted recycling. Residents have the choice of another wheelie bin or a seagull sack to securely store the rubbish. The introduction of parking restrictions with yellow lines is never popular but deemed necessary and small areas in Tiverton and Bampton will soon be affected. There is considerable activity for future plans in and around Cullompton, including a new relief road to ease congestion both within the town and traffic leaving the M5.

On the financial front the MDDC spend for 2022/23 appears reasonably on target with the forecast figures. 91% of the energy scheme grants have been already been awarded to households and Dean Emery envisages completion by the end of August. The Tiverton Eastern Extension scheme continues but with the rapidly rising costs of any such work there will be re-evaluation of the planned bridge over the North Devon link road and associated roads.

  1. Vacancy on the Parish Council – as there had been no response to the election advert by MDDC, the Parish Council was now in a position to co-opt. It was decided to go ahead with this, the intention being to appoint a councillor by the end of August.
  2. The Defibrillator – the Clerk was asked to contact Leo Biles for possible information on maintenance. Phil Talbot kindly continues to monitor the machine is operational but the time scale for replacing the battery and pads seems somewhat vague. The Chairman decided that a rota to include everyone taking some responsibility would be the best solution as there was a reluctance by any one individual to take on the task.
  3. Highways and Footpaths - Access to Footpath 10 – no meeting had yet been arranged with Chris Cheeseman to ascertain whether the permissive bridleway was being allowed to continue. The Church Path, again any progress with repair was unknown, although it was appreciated that financing any such work would be an issue. Church path Gates – these still need adjustment and restorative treatment. Cllrs Widdowson and Davey will take another look at the gates and perhaps ask Roger Hill if he could assist.
  4. The Playground – the seesaw structure has been removed for repair by Matt Berry and should soon be back in place. It was agreed that Cllr Widdowson would pay the invoice by bank transfer and then be reimbursed by the council. Vegetation has regrown where the boundary wall has partially fallen down and this seems to be providing an adequate safety barrier until such time as responsibility for structural work is established. The Parish Council insurance policy does not cover “wear and tear” and does not accept responsibility for the wall in any case. There had been some misunderstanding with the grass cutting contract for 2022 but the Clerk had resolved the issue and the problem should not arise another year.
  5. The Cricket Field – CCTV has now been installed. Dick Sibley had reported that the situation was much improved with dog fouling and public access is continuing.
  6. Police Matters - the Fraud Presentation although attendance was poor was both interesting and useful. The advice booklets which the officer left are being gradually being taken up by the community. The Vice-Chairman was undecided whether he would take up the offer of accompanying officers on patrol for a day! In view of the recent spate of local break ins and thefts Cllr Widdowson had been proactive and has arranged for CPSO Vicki Randle to come on August 3rd to Stoodleigh Parish Hall, to talk on” Crime Prevention and Reporting”. This meeting needs active promotion for good attendance.
  7. Mid Devon Mobility – following a request to advertise their services Cllr Talbot had done so but because this service is only operational for part of the year the Exe Valley Bus may be more useful to many.
  8. Finance

Current Nat West balance as at 12/7/22                 £11,372.01

The internal audit report had been accepted and the council once again claimed exempt status from needing a further examination of the accounts. The main discrepancy highlighted was the matter of NIC and whether the accountancy firm who conduct the monthly PAYE return was incorrect in claiming an exemption. Clerk to investigate further.

Cllr Knowles still needs to be added on the signatory panel, slightly more onerous now that there is no local HSBC branch. Cllr Widdowson to follow up with the mandate and then the Clerk will action.

The Jubilee Fund had returned a surplus of money had this was reallocated pro rata to the donors. The Parish Council received a £93.29 credit. The VAT refund for last year is still outstanding although the return was submitted mid May.

Correspondence for the Church Flag Appeal will go forward to the next meeting.