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Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on Monday, March 27 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Members present -: Chairman Cllr W Knowles  Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr S Davey  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot  Cllr D Wotton

County Cllr R Chesterton  District Cllr A Moore

  1. Apologies – none received
  2. Declarations of Interest – none declared
  3. The Public – 3 members present. Mark Duckett expressed his thanks to the council for their cooperation with his particular interest in the recent Definitive Map Review
  4. Minutes of the Meeting held January 30th 2023 – these were approved and signed as a true record
  5. Planning Reports and Outcomes

22/02293/FULL Formation of a turning area for operational solar farm NGR 289825 116905 Blatchworthy – permission granted

23/00105/HOUSE Erection of a replacement side extension, rear extension to incorporate an undercover seating area & replacement of existing windows, 2 Hillcrest – permission granted

23/00157/CAT and 23/00195/CAT Permission to fell 1 ash tree within a conservation area NGR 292160 118825, The Old Forge – permission granted

23/00408/CAT Notification of intention to fell 1 Garden Maple within the Conservation area, Rowhill – members of the parish council held a site visit and supported the application

PNAG,( prior notification agricultural) this applies to property alterations where there is no need for formal planning consent as such. The Local Authority can challenge this notification if there are concerns on the siting, design or external appearance of the proposed alteration. If at a later date the automatic consent has found to have been misused this then becomes an enforcement issue. Cllr Payne felt that if there are concerns with some notifications a visit was still merited. The highly detailed letter from Oakford PC to MDDC on PNAG and CAT planning submissions had been circulated amongst the councillors and it was agreed to write in support of their views. Clerk to action.  

  1. Reports

County Council – a report had been circulated earlier in the day, copy attached. The only amendment since compiling the report is the reduction in the budget for road repairs. The pothole problem on the Washfield to Stoodleigh road is on the list for future attention and the stretch by Spurway Mill is under consideration. The poor state of the road from Ash Cross to Furze Clift was reported to County Cllr Chesterton at the meeting. DCC believe that the road by Lower Wormsworthy does not fall under their remit but this is to be further investigated. The road may have been reclassified and subsequently downgraded from its original status.

District Council – the budget had been agreed but this has necessitated reductions in several areas. Future staff cuts may also feature thereby affecting front line services. MDDC have also decided to move from a Cabinet to Committee approach for decision making. Cllr Moore wished it to be recorded that some political promotion material currently in circulation was giving false information and should be disregarded – one particular point to clarify was that there are NO plans to develop the land at Hillcrest. Use of photographs should only be published with the consent of the individual.

  1. Playground – the RoSPA annual inspection at which Cllr Widdowson was present had not highlighted any serious problems. The algae on the Trim Trail and the split tyre under the seesaw would be easily rectified. Relocating of the cradle swing at a further distance from the slide has been a previously identified problem but not so easy to correct
  2. Highways/Rights of Way/Tracks – general update on current situation

Barehills - Following the letter from Tania Weeks summarising the decision of the Definitive Review Panel, Rights of Way 2023, a vote was taken whether to continue pushing for recognition of a bridlepath from Parkhouse Water to Dryhill. This was carried by 4 votes, 2 abstentions and one against. The argument in favour was that although the Coles family were agreeable to limited permissive use of the route through Dryhill, if circumstances altered the access might be discontinued. The Chairman believed that the additional evidence needed to continue the challenge was available and some residents and users wished to submit a Schedule 14 application.  

Hangman’s Hill – now that some trees have been cut down the road surface is more exposed to erosion. A kerbstone might be helpful to emphasise the road edge. The advisory highway signs need cleaning and a new one advising HVG drivers to disregard sat nav advice could be beneficial.

Washfield Post flooding has been reported on line, a new drain is probably needed.

Church Path ( Footpath 1) the situation has improved with much of the vegetation being removed . The Chairman offered to hire the wood chipper again to carry out further work. It was agreed to ask Matt Berry to cut the grass and hedge trim as and when necessary as this was outside of his agreed contract. Cllr Knowles was prepared to use a flail mover if the gateway permitted entry.

  1. Shadowponds – after some discussion it was decided that a presentation initiated by the site owner would be the best course of action. The Clerk was to advise that an open meeting would be of interest to many and might answer some questions of possible concern on an intended development. The onus is on Mr Harris to take this further.
  2. Defibrillator – the monitoring rota is working. The housing box needs attention and Cllr Widdowson is to contact an electrician DA Wright to further examine and correct.
  3. Litter pick – Cllr Davey will organise a community effort on Sunday, April 16th although the situation appears not too serious at present. The usual support will be sought from MDDC.
  4. Coronation – it was decided that as The Inn and St Margaret’s Church are planning celebrations to mark the event there was no merit in the Parish Council being separately involved.
  5. Neighbourhood Watch – it was concluded that Stoodleigh Watch was working satisfactorily and there would be little merit in paying to join another organisation with similar aims.
  6. Risk assessment – a copy of the 2022/23 paper had been already circulated. The reference to action under the Freedom of Information Act had been added. This was duly signed.
  7. NALC Financial Regulations – it was agreed to adopt these in principle and modify appropriately for the website.
  8. Standing Orders – these are to be reviewed and actioned by the Clerk ensuring that the new council have access to an updated version in May
  9. Finance - HSBC Current balance as at 12/3/23 £8292.30

Donation requests were considered – St Margaret’s £400 granted

Mid Devon Mobility, Dream Away, Citizens Advice, CHAT, Hedgehogs R Us - these were declined

Payments approved to J Widdowson £22.99 + £9.75       Clerk salary £240             HMRC £60

Administrative expenses October-31-March £122.05      Village Hall £42