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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held immediately after the Annual Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall on Monday, 23 May 2022

Members present -:

Chairman Cllr W Knowles, Cllr S Davey, Cllr G Parkman, Cllr C Payne, Cllr G Talbot

County Cllr R Chesterton

  1. Apologies – these were received from Cllr Widdowson and District Cllr R Stanley
  2. Declarations of Interest – none received
  3. The Public – there were no members of the public present
  4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 28 March – these were approved and signed as a correct record
  5. Planning reports and outcomes

21/01420/FULL Erection of an agricultural building, poly tunnels & raised beds, septic tank and new vehicular access NGR 289870 116865 Stoodleigh X – this was a modified submission after the initial plan raised many objections. Various items had been deleted, the caravan, the kennels etc. but the council still had strong reservations to the whole idea and viability of the scheme. There seemed to be no provision for the disposal of foul water and there were other discrepancies. There was no reference to any degree of reinstatement needed to return the site to the previous environmental status. Further formal objection to be submitted.

It is understood that this application will be called in for hearing at a full planning meeting, probably in July and members of the public or council will be able to attend and speak, providing they notify MDDC beforehand.

22/00671/5 day Remove 1 ash tree within a conservation area at Rowhill – permission granted

  1. Reports –

County Council – Richard Chesterton provided a written report. In addition he added that the need to repair potholes had been partially addressed on road to Washfield, but it was acknowledged that this was only a temporary solution. The aim to resurface had been taken into account on the current DCC budget but this might also require 2023/4 monies for total completion of the road. He agreed to visit the Church Path with Cllr Davey to see the problem with surplus surface water first hand.

  1. Highways & Footpaths

Footpath 10. Cllrs Knowles and Parkman agreed to contact Dr Cheeseman concerning the issues with the right of use. The permissive bridleway signs have been removed and the various owners are now considering restricting access to anyone but strictly footpath users.

New proposals extending rights of way have been received following the Definitive Path Review and the consultation closes at the end of July. These are Proposal 1, Addition of a public bridleway from Park House Water through Barehill Woods to Dryhill and Proposal 2, Addition of a public bridleway along the green lane by Shilhay Copse and Springfield Cottage. Cllr Talbot will send out a community email to alert interested parties to send in evidence of use forms to back up these proposals. There was much previous support to these ideas in 2008, but since then many of those who contributed are no longer local residents. Contact

Cllr Davey will contact Stuart Howells as to the absence of a bridleway sign at “Coleford Bottom”, which is apparently an unclassified County road.

Church Path – the situation is still ongoing but less of a problem in dry weather. County Cllr Chesterton to raise the issue of the broken drain etc.

  1. South West Water Problems – Phil Talbot had become so exasperated with the continual failure of a reliable and constant water supply to Stoodleigh that he had personally engineered a meeting with a representative of the company. A new automatic pump is to be installed at Loxbeare and this should solve the problem. Individual compensation claims for damaged goods as a result may be considered by SWW. The intermittent failure of power to the district is also apparently sorted.
  2. The Playground – in the absence of Cllr Widdowson there was no recent update on affairs. The raising of the ground level beneath some apparatus has still to be corrected. The ownership of the damaged boundary wall is still in dispute. A more substantial fence needs to be erected in the meantime to cordon off the area. The dislodged stone needs to be preserved for eventual rebuilding of the wall by a stone mason. The section is probably undermined by tree roots and close to some graves so it is a slightly complicated repair and no doubt prove expensive once liability is established.
  3. Proposed upgrade to Existing Radio Base Station, CTL_124554_22, Stoodleigh Beacon, - the suggestion that this would improve connectivity to 4G and 5G found in favour. Clerk to respond to Cornerstone.
  4. Easter Market and Coffee Morning – Cllrs Widdowson and Talbot attended. The majority of conversation centred around the planning application at Stoodleigh X. Some possible unauthorised earthworks in nearby proximity to this application have also raised concern and apparently already been reported to MDDC
  1. Police Neighbourhood Plan – the facility to enter a postcode on an interactive map and thus determine the level of reported crime was deemed useful. There was a more sceptic response to neighbourhood policing in general. It was felt that a more visible police presence would be welcomed and especially the reopening of Tiverton Police Station in December. Several councillors had poor experience when reporting minor incidents although it was acknowledged that resources were limited. The invitation to accompany officers on patrol might well be taken up by Cllr Widdowson.
  1. The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – these were well underway in planning. St Margaret’s is to hold a flower festival from Thursday to Sunday, culminating with a Songs of Praise service. The Stoodleigh Inn is providing live music on the Friday night and Saturday has Jubilee Games and a tea party organised. SWAG has disbanded and their remaining funds, £150 are being donated towards the equipment and prizes for the “games”. Public access to the cricket field has been temporarily withdrawn because of dog fouling but a concession has been granted for the 4 June.

The suggestion from Tiverton Pannier Market that Stoodleigh might wish to feature as “Village of the Day” was declined. Cllr Talbot felt that there was nothing particularly special to promote at present and although anyone would be welcome to attend or join any organisations or events these probably only had local appeal.

  1. Annual Parish Meeting – in addition to the already published agenda it was thought worthwhile to encourage submission of evidence of use forms regarding the proposals at Item 10, following the Definitve Rights of Way Review. These forms can to be accessed and forwarded to DCC, https:/ 
  1. Finance

Precept £6000 received. VAT claim sent in for £39.09

HSBC balance as at 12/4/22 - £11,910.34

The accounts have been completed and were discussed. Jill Larcombe has agreed to internally audit once again.

  1. Annual Governance Statement – agreed and signed
  2. Accounting Statement – agreed and signed. The £1 difference between the Bank Reconcilliation and the Statement was because in 2020/21 return the actual figure of £8880.62 was not rounded up to £8881 as technically should have happened.
  3. Certificate of Exemption – this was agreed and signed.

Payments were approved to

DALC £73.50           

Tax & Accounts £50.40 

Jubilee Fund £300 as promised in March. Cheque made to G Talbot as the fund has no bank account.

£213.81 for insurance. Although this had come too late for the published agenda, it had been agreed last year to contract for a fee for 3 years and thus there was no discussion necessary.