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DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on Monday, 17 April, at 6.45pm at Stoodleigh Parish Hall

Present Councillors:    W Knowles (chairman), G Parkman, C Payne, G Talbot and D Wotton

1          Apologies:  Councillors S Davey and J Widdowson

2          Declarations of Interest:  Councillor D Wotton declared a personal interest in Item 5 as the applicant was his brother and took no part in that item

3          The Public: One member of the public, Miss E Allan, attended part of the meeting

4          Planning Notification: 23/00542/CAT | Notification of intention to fell 1 Ash and 1 Rowan tree, pollard 1 Willow tree, reduce 1 Beech by 1-1.5m, remove 4 lower branches on 1 Oak, reduce the height and over extended branches of 1 Cherry by 1-2m and reduce 1 Yew tree by 1.5-2m within the Conservation Area | Court Gardens Cottage Stoodleigh 

            Prior to the meeting, members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this notification.

            Following discussion it was:-

     RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this notification  

5        Planning Notification23/00540/CAT | Notification of intention to fell 5 Ash trees within the Conservation Area | Dagrenel Stoodleigh

            Prior to the meeting, members of the Parish Council had visited the site which was the subject of this notification.

            Following discussion it was:-

     RESOLVED that, the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this notification


