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Minutes of Stoodleigh Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 22 May 2023 in the Village Hall

Members present -:

Cllrs W Knowles  S Davey  J Mansfield  C Payne  G Parkman  D Wotton

District Cllr R Gilmour      County Cllr R Chesterton

  1. Election of Chairman – W Knowles was re-elected, proposed by Cllr Payne and seconded by Cllr S Davey. The Acceptance of Office was read and duly signed
  2. Election of Vice Chairman – in his absence but with prior agreement Cllr Widdowson was re-elected, proposed by Cllr Davey and seconded by Cllr Parkman
  3. Apologies – were received from John Widdowson and Chris Adcock
  4. Declarations of Interest – none were received
  5. Retiring Chairman’s Report – this was presented and copy attached
  6. Allocation of Responsibilities

Planning, Cllr Payne will continue as before and agreed to organise any necessary site visits, report and upload to MDDC website

Personnel, any issues arising will continue to be dealt with by the Chairman and Vice- Chair

Finance, the current signatories will continue, Cllrs Knowles and Widdowson plus the Clerk. Cllr Mansfield will regularly check the bank statements against council generated records.

  1. Areas for possible liaison for councillors

Website – Geraldine Talbot has offered to continue uploading information to the website with Cllr Mansfield printing and posting paper copies on the noticeboards

Police – Cllr Widdowson

Playground – Cllr Widdowson

Highways – Cllr Knowles

Footpaths – Cllr Davey

Parish Hall Representative – Cllr Parkman

Defibrillator – the new rota will be drawn up by Cllr Widdowson with everyone taking their turn to check the unit is working

  1. Councillors to agree the optimum method of communication – email was agreed
  2. Official documentation – the Clerk would circulate the Register of Interests and reminded members to complete and return to MDDC. The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations would be reviewed at a later date. The councillors completed the Acceptance of Office agreement and the nil returns for Election expenses and returned to the Clerk
  3. Finance – a copy of the budget agreed in November was recirculated.