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In the Minutes of Stoodleigh Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday March 26th, 2024 in the Village Hall at 7.00pm

Members present -: Chairman Cllr W Knowles   Vice-Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr J Mansfield  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne

County Cllr R Chesterton              District Cllr R Gilmour

  1. Apologies - were received from Cllrs Davey and Wotton
  2. Declarations of Interest - none were received
  3. The Public – there were 2 members present
  4. Minutes of the Meetings held January 30th, February 21st, March 13 & 15th – these were approved and signed as a true record
  5. Planning Applications and Outcomes –

24/00006/CAT Notification to pollard 2 Ash trees within a conservation area, The Old Farmhouse – no objection

24/00009/HOUSE Erection of rear and side extensions, addition of first floor and erection of replacement garage, Oakdale – full permission granted with a number of conditions

24/00209/CAT withdrawn and replaced by 24/00369/CAT

24/00260/FULL Erection of replacement dwelling Throwcombe – because of the difficulty in trying to carry out a site visit an extension of the closing date for comment has been requested.

24/00264/HOUSE Removal of cement render, repair of original stonework and replacement windows and canopy roof, Meneghi – decision awaited

24/00285/FULL Erection of 7 workshops (Use Class B) and café to serve development (Use Class E) following demolition of general industrial buildings, Stag & Squire, Shadow Ponds – decision awaited

24/00316/Five day notification to remove 1 conifer, Rowhill – in the meantime the tree appears to have fallen down naturally

24/00369/CAT Notification of intention to remove 2 Fir trees, 2 Conifers, Sycamore trees, 2 Ash trees and 1 Silver Birch, Little Daymer – decision awaited

24/00443/CAT Notification of intention to remove 2 self seeded Sycamore trees and reduce the crowns of 2 Sycamore trees to 8m in height, 3 Court Gardens – decision awaited

  1. Reports

County Council, a very comprehensive report had already been circulated. Although road surfacing repairs have been somewhat delayed the sections at Alridge Mill and Warbrightly Hill should soon be repaired. The Stoodleigh to Lower Washfield road has been added to the list but unlikely to be actioned for some time.

District Council, a report had been circulated earlier in the month. Compliance with recycling household waste is 97%. Loyton Lodge and the planning application for large teepees will be considered on April 10th. The Shadow Ponds application has been called in. Mr Aplin’s dilemma is still ongoing with the next door unregistered woodland. Two more planning enforcement officers have been employed at Mid Devon which should make a noticeable difference to the timescale for visits and subsequent results. Fishing quality on the river Exe has been affected by a number of factors, water levels, sewage, invasive crayfish and perhaps surprisingly chemical pollutant from parasite treatment on dogs. Unfortunately any fines levied go to the Treasury and not to the local river authority.

In order to get the optimum result from The State of the District initiative Parish Councils must participate to give another perspective.  

Parish Councillors, a brief reminder on how to use the defibrillator had been given to the councillors but the parishioners might appreciate a refresher course. Cllr Widdowson would research the idea. The notice board had been fixed by Roger Hill but really needs replacing – this might qualify for funding under the Locality Budget.

  1. The Playground

The annual inspection had been carried out on March 25th. No serious shortcomings were identified. Much of the equipment with the exception of the Trim Trail is showing signs of age. Moss has taken over large areas of the grass but treating to remove might make things worse. County Cllr Chesterton suggested contacting Morebath PC as they had been researching different options for enhancing their playground. Possible contribution from the 106 budget might be available. Pressure washing of the equipment will be arranged once the weather settles.

  1. Highways

The 3 patches on the road near Wormsworthy needing repair are still outstanding. In the absence of Cllr Davey who normally organises the Spring Litter Pick, but would no doubt offer advice, it was suggested that Cllr Wotton might be willing to take this forward.   

  1. Donations

 It was unanimously agreed to donate £600 towards the cost of grass cutting in St Margaret’s churchyard.  Cllrs Knowles and Parkman are to look at the church wall situation once again. They thought that it should be tidied up at least and Cllr Parkman did admit that he enjoyed stone walling. Rather than spend an excessive amount to repair the wall Cllr Widdowson thought that the playground was a more deserving cause and that some monies should be ring fenced.   

  1. Finance

HSBC current account as at 12/3/24 £9409.61

Payments were approved to the Village Hall £85  Clerk salary £360  HMRC £90

Admin expenses 6 months - £132.27