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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council, held on the 28th November at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Members in attendance:  Chairman Cllr W Knowles  Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr S Davey  Cllr J Mansfield  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne

County Cllr R Chesterton  District Cllrs R Gilmour & C Adcock

  1. Apologies – none received
  2. Declarations of Interest – none declared
  3. The Public – there were 3 members of the public in attendance. Tim Hugill requested that Broadband should be an item on the next agenda.
  4. Minutes of the meetings held 25th September, 25th October and 17th November – these were approved and signed as a true record
  5. Planning reports and outcomes:

23/01087/LBC Erection of single storey extension following the demolition of the kitchen extension; replacement of windows with double glazing units, removal of stone wall to provide access for parking & relocation of the oil tank, Court Gardens – decision awaited

23/01446/MFUL Erection of barn to incorporate stables and indoor arena following the demolition of the existing, Ashmoor Stud, Ashfields – decision awaited

23/01388/HOUSE Infill open porch with a window and door, Finistere – approved with full permission

23/01516/HOUSE erection of a single storey extension, Ashfields – permission granted

23/01580/HHEU Prior approval for enlargement of a dwelling house by the construction of an additional storey with the proposed ridge height of 8.12m under Class AA, Highfield – permission granted

23/01591/CLU certificate of lawfulness for an existing conversion of outbuildings to kitchen/diner/utility room, Pine Cottage – decision awaited

23/01595/PNAG Notification of an agricultural gateway and road, NGR291096 118539, West End Lane & Rull Hill – approved

23/01627/HOUSE & 23/01628/LBC Alterations to the internal layout, to include installation of additional windows/double glazing & roof lights, Down Farm – decision awaited

23/01606/CAT Notification of intention to fell 2 Beech trees, 2 Ash trees and reduce the crown of 2 oak trees by 3-4m to include the lifting of the crown of 1 main trunk within a conservation area, Stoodleigh Court – permission granted

23/01727/CAT Notification to fell 6 Ash trees (T1-6), 2 Copper Beech (T7-8), reduce 1 Copper Beech (T9) by 2-2.5m and remove a row of conifers(T10) within a conservation area, Oakdale – permission granted

The Ashmoor Stud was not called in for further scrutiny as the parish council had basically approved the application. Although there is no statutory requirement for applications to be examined in detail District Cllr Gilmour felt that there were instances where a more detailed enquiry into the application might have resulted in a different outcome. The MDDC Planning Department, including the enforcement section is currently very under resourced.

  1. County Council and District Cllr Reports -:

Richard Chesterton announced that the bridle way between Dry Hill and Stoodleigh Drive, technically in Washfield Parish, had been officially recognised in theory, as there was sufficient evidence of public use

Cllr Gilmour emphasised that the State of District debate should involve and encourage local opinion. Cllr Adcock had been directly involved with concerns on the increasing development regards the selling off of small pieces of woodland to individuals.   The 3 Rivers Development Report was not granted a time extension before the awaited presentation to the Committee . This controversial scheme will have impact on the 2024 budget.

  1. Highways and Footpaths

There are a number of outstanding issues awaiting attention. Bridleway 8 has been reported, gate and signpost repairs. Footpath 4, Wheatland Lane in hand, some hedge trimming required. Footpath 1, issues with drainage and trees. The signpost is down in Honey Moor Lane. Sign still missing at Coleford Bottom.

The noticeboard outside Stoodleigh Inn needs repair, Cllr Widdowson to ask Roger Hill to sort.

It would appear that the winter grit bins have adequate salt at present.

  1. Website – Cllr Mansfield is still trying to organise training and thus access to the website.

Geraldine Talbot is content to continue uploading information but as Cllr Mansfield has to post the various notices for meetings it would seem sensible if he was able to take over some of these responsibilities.

The current system where by the Clerk circulates 95% of correspondence in house appears to be working.  Should any councillor feel that a particular item is worthy of general circulation please would they do so copying in the Clerk.

  1. Defibrillator - The current rota seems to be working well. It has been recommended to check the other light as well so the form will be modified to record this.
  2. Mobile Library

The estimate for renewal of the associated vehicles is prohibitive and it was hoped that there may be an alternative option to completely discontinuing the facility. It was felt that the library was of value to the rural community and County Councillor Chesterton would try and establish some figures of regular users.   Donations may be the answer.

  1. EV Charging points - The Clerk had already replied expressing interest, actual practicalities to be decided later
  2. The Playground

The tyre under the seesaw needs replacing, Cllr Widdowson to correct. The contract for grass cutting seems to be working well. The ownership of the boundary wall is still not fully established, it is a massive job to repair and unlikely to be actioned in the near future.

  1. Schedule of Meetings 2024/25

This will be formalised at the January Meeting. It would appear that moving to a Tuesday did not cause a problem and gave access to more facilities in the Parish Hall. 

  1. Finance

The Clerk proposed a budget for the next year with the Precept remaining at £6000. She invited proposals and amendments to the figures. It was agreed that the playground should have a greater allocation as many structures would soon need attention or replacing.

HSBC current account as at 12/11/23  £10, 752.65

Payments were approved to M Berry £350  Insurance (additional cover) £53.04

Clerk £360  HMRC £90