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MINUTES of an adjourned meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held at 1.30pm on Wednesday 21 February 2024 in the Parish Hall, Stoodleigh

Present Councillors: W Knowles (Chairman), G Parkman and C Payne

Apologies Councillors: S Davey, J Mansfield, J Widdowson and D Wotton


  1. Declarations of Interest: None
  2. The Public: There were two members of the public present.

In respect of the planning application (Minute 3 below) a member of the public expressed concern at the size of the proposed development and suggested that there were inaccuracies in the revised plans. Although the revised proposal indicated that the height of the roof had been adjusted inline with Finistere, if the constituent parts of the proposed dwelling were added together, there appeared to be no adjustment to the previously proposed height of 1.26 metres. Concern was also expressed that the dwelling would overlook a neighbouring property.

The applicant advised that the roofline had, in fact, been reduced in line with Finistere and that additional windows, suggested by MDDC had not been included in the revised proposals so that it would not be overlooking the adjoining property. Trees would cover the house from view most of the time.

  1. Planning Application: 24/00009/HOUSE - Erection of rear and side extensions, addition of first floor and erection of replacement garage - Oakdale, Stoodleigh

Consideration of this application had been adjourned by the Parish Council at its meeting held on 11 January 2024 pending a site visit by the Mid Devon Planning Officer. As a result of that site visit revised plans had been submitted upon which a further consultation had been received from the District Council.

Members of the council expressed concern that the proposed dwelling would be quite tall, with a sizeable footprint and that, as a result, it would be out of character with the adjoining properties.

The Chairman understood that the revised application might be determined by the Mid Devon Planning Committee rather than dealt with under delegated powers by the planning officer.

Following discussion it was unanimously:

     RESOLVED that

  • the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council, having regard to the scale of the proposed development which it considered to be out of character with the adjoining properties, object to this revised application and that it hopes that it will be be determined by the Planning Committee; and
  • having regard to the council’s concerns, Councillor Payne contact the local district councillor(s) to ask that the application be called in to the Planning Committee for determination.



