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A Special (Planning) Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held on 17th November 2023 at 5.00pm at Stoodleigh Parish Hall



Councillors W Knowles (Chairman), G Parkman, J Mansfield and C Payne


  1. Apologies – J Widdowson, S Davey and D Wotton
  1. Declarations of Interest - None
  1. The Public - There was no members of public present
  1. Planning Application:

Planning Application: 23/01727/CAT. | Notification of intention to fell 6 Ash trees (T1-6), 2 Copper Beech trees (T7&8), reduce 1 Copper Beech tree (T9) by 2-2.5m and remove row of Conifer trees (T10) within a Conservation Area | Oakdale Stoodleigh   

Location Oakdale, Stoodleigh

Details of the application can be found at 23/01727/CAT | Notification of intention to fell 6 Ash trees (T1-6), 2 Copper Beech trees (T7&8), reduce 1 Copper Beech tree (T9) by 2-2.5m and remove row of Conifer trees (T10) within a Conservation Area | Oakdale Stoodleigh Tiverton Devon EX16 9PW (

On the 17th November members of the Parish Council visited the site which was the subject of this application.

RESOLVED that the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council support this application.

  1. Planning Application:

Planning Application: 23/01606/CAT. | Notification of intention to fell 2 Beech trees, 2 Ash trees and reduce the crown of 2 Oak trees by 3-4m to include lifting the crown of 1 main trunk within the Conservation Area | Stoodleigh Court Stoodleigh       

Location Stoodleigh Court, Stoodleigh

Details of the application can be found at 23/01606/CAT | Notification of intention to fell 2 Beech trees, 2 Ash trees and reduce the crown of 2 Oak trees by 3-4m to inlcude lifting the crown of 1 main trunk within the Conservation Area | Stoodleigh Court Stoodleigh Tiverton Devon EX16 9PN (

On the 17th November members of the Parish Council visited the site which was the subject of this application.

RESOLVED that the Local Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council do not support this application, on the following basis:

 The oak and beech trees are very mature specimens and it was felt by the Councillors that a second opinion should be sort from a qualified Aboriculturalist to determine what work, if any, should be carried out to the trees.