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Agenda for the Annual Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall, 7.00pm on May 21st 2024, to be immediately followed by the Parish Council Meeting

(District Councillors available from 6.30pm for matters of private discussion from the public)

Members -:
Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr J Mansfield  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne  Cllr J Widdowson  Cllr D Wotton

District Councillors C Adcock & R Gilmour

1. Election of Chairman

2. Election of Vice Chairman

3. Apologies – to formally approve the absence of Cllr Davey

4. Declarations of Interest

5. Retiring Chairman’s Report

6. Allocation of Responsibilities
Planning – to agree the format for dealing with applications and establish who will report to MDDC
Personnel – to agree format for dealing with any issues arising.
Finance – to confirm signatories, method of dealing with invoices and regular councillor involvement

7. Areas for possible liaison for councillors
Website – Geraldine Talbot has kindly agreed to continue with the responsibility for updating information.
Noticeboard updates
Parish Hall representative
Defibrillator, responsibility and the rota

8. Official documentation – reminder that all members need to update their Register of Interests. Review and adopt the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations circulated by email

9. Finance – councillors to receive a copy of the budget for the coming year.