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Minutes of the Meeting of Stoodleigh Parish Council held in the Village Hall, 7.00pm on May 21st 2024, following the Annual Parish Council Meeting

Members present -:

Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr J Mansfield  Cllr G Parkman Cllr C Payne  Cllr J Widdowson Cllr D Wotton

District Councillors C Adcock & R Gilmour

  1. Apologies – were received from County Councillor R Chesterton
  2. Declarations of Interest – none declared
  3. The Public – 2 members present
  4. Minutes of the meetings held March 26th and April 16th – these were approved and signed as a true record
  5. Continuing absence of Cllr Davey – the council had been fully aware of her health issues in January and as she had last attended a meeting in November they had been reminded that formal approval was required. Cllr Davey wishes to remain as a member of the council and the other councillors were in total agreement as she has made valuable contribution to date.
  6. Planning applications and Outcomes -

24/00260/FULL Erection of a replacement dwelling, Throwcombe – permitted with conditions to discharge. This has been a very contentious issue as entry to the property throughout the application process has been refused. There would seem to be some underlying common problems.

24/00264/HOUSE Removal of cement render, repair of original stonework & replacement windows and canopy roof, Meneghi – grant permission

24/00369/CAT Notification of intention to fell 2 fir trees, 2 conifers, sycamore trees, 2 ash and 1 silver birch in a conservation area, Little Daymer – no objection

24/00443/CAT Notification of intention to remove 2 self-seeded sycamore trees and reduce the crowns of 2 sycamore trees to 8m in height, 3 Court Gardens – no objection

24/00511/FULL Change of use of agricultural land to mixed use of agriculture & tour,/tasting sessions of vineyard, to include erection of marquee for use between May – October, compost toilet and storage of wine in agricultural shed, NGR 292096 119110 Quoit-at-Cross – decision awaited

24/00600/PNOU prior notification for change of use of an agricultural building to 1 dwelling under Class Q – NGR 290615 119720, Alridge Mill, Oakford – decision awaited

  1. Reports

 Reports from both the County and District had been previously circulated amongst members of the Parish Council.

The issues arising regards planning: the Throwcombe application perhaps highlighted some short comings within the Planning Department. There are now 3 enforcement officers appointed which should result in more activity. The practice of disallowing members outside of the consultation umbrella to gain access for a site visit remains a problem. Despite more than 50 objections the proposed luxury development at Loyton seemed to have been speedily passed. The advertising on Facebook of opportunities to purchase woodland plots with all the associated existing facilities has been noted by the District Council.

  1. The Playground

The area has been pressure washed and the swing hangings will be replaced shortly. For the purposes of the annual audit the councillors were asked to consider whether there were particular items which should be written off as having no monetary value.  It was felt that it would be worth looking at the cost of some new purchases.

  1. Highways

Without repeating the Chairman’s comments recorded in the minutes of the Annual Parish Council earlier in the day, potholes are still an ongoing problem but the stretch of road recently repaired seems well done.

There has been no formally organised litter pick so far this year but obvious litter has been collected by individuals when seen.

  1. Defibrillator

Unfortunately this was put into practice recently and since then subsequent improvements have been put in place and the kits enhanced. Additional  razors, alcohol wipes and a towel are to be found in the cupboard in the Village Hall.

  1. Insurance Renewal

Two quotes had been received from Community Insurance and as there was little financial benefit for taking the 3 year reduced subscription, it was decided to pay the 1 year fee.

  1. EVA charging points

The obvious point for installation appeared to be the Village Hall, if of practical and value to residents. Cllr Mansfield broached the topic of the current Parish Plan 2005 being somewhat out of date and if revamped this could have a bearing on provision of a public facility.

  1. Annual Parish Meeting

The only PC suggestions were updating of the Parish Plan and siting for the King’s Portrait. District Councillor Gilmour suggested looking at Washfield’s programme for ideas.

  1. Risk Assessment  

This was signed off to comply with the 2003/4 audit return with minor amendments. The Standing Orders do need reviewing in the near future

  1. Finance and the Annual Auditor’s Report

HSBC current account as at 12/5/24        £14,123.34

The internal auditor’s report had only been collected the previous day, the documentation passed but the areas suggested for improvement had not been examined in detail as yet.

  1. The accounts were approved for 2023/24
  2. The exemption certificate was approved
  3. Section 1 of the Annual Governance form was approved