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Stoodleigh Garden Club


Stoodleigh Parish Hall, 7.30pm Thursday 9th November 2023



1. Welcome to members present and to visitors.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Annual Report. – Shirley Cope.
5. Show Report. – Jill Chant.
6. Treasurer’s Report. – Amanda Baggott.
7. Committee Members
Coordinator - Shirley Cope
Treasurer - Amanda Baggott
Show secretary - Jill Chant
Social event arrangements - Paula Hullett
Further nominations:
The four members of the Leadership Committee are happy to continue in
their roles, but would like other members to join them if they wish.

8. Representative on the Parish Hall Committee – currently Jill Chant
Further nominations would be welcome.
9. Suggestions for next year’s events.

Followed by a glass of wine and nibbles.
N.B. Annual membership fees (£5) become due for 2023 at the AGM.