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Events and Visits in 2023

Friday & Saturday 29/30 September - Willow Weaving:  A lovely couple of days were spent weaving away and some super plant supports and baskets were made by 13 members and non-members of the Garden Club. Tea & cakes and a lovely ploughman's lunch were shared by everyone. Once again, everyone went home with something that they could feel very proud of.

Thanks to Richard Kerwood for his tutoring skills and to Paula, aided by Amanda, for arranging the whole event. Photos (thanks to Amanda) of the plant support and basket weaving are available in the Garden Club Gallery.

Thursday 20 April - Killerton Visit: Eighteen members of Stoodleigh Garden Club shared cars to drive down to Killerton on a lovely sunny afternoon. We were met outside Killerton House by Karl, the Head Gardener and he took us on a tour of the gardens, describing the changes that had been made over the years and how the planting had been developed. He pointed out many interesting shrubs and trees and answered our questions on the plants we saw. We gazed on the wonderful vistas and admired the colourful Rhododendrons and interesting shrubs throughout the formal and wild gardens. We are most grateful to Karl for making our visit so interesting. After our tour we headed to the Stables Café for refreshments and further chat before heading home. Photos on the Garden Club Gallery

Friday & Saturday 17/18 March - Willow Weaving:  What thoroughly enjoyable days were spent willow weaving on the Friday and Saturday! Many thanks go to Richard, our instructor who was brilliant, guiding us patiently through every step of two very large projects. Tall plant supports and an ornamental fish were made in the morning and the afternoon produced a drum shaped plant support; all very useful for our gardens. A delicious lunch of soup, a variety of cheeses and cake was enjoyed by all, including some non-weavers who joined us at lunchtime. Thank you to the many members who mucked in to help provide lunch and refreshments and to clear up afterwards and, of course, all those who participated in the weaving. Photos on the Garden Club Gallery.

Monday 27 February - Pottery Session:  We enjoyed a really productive session with Rosie our instructor at Highfield, Tiverton. Cane toppers were sculpted by moulding the clay round a finger and the weird and the wonderful were created. Coffee and chat were in full flow and we had smiles on our faces after our relaxing evening, engrossed in our craft. Many thanks to Rosie for her guidance, inspiration and hospitality, and to Jill for making the evening happen and liaising with Rosie. Photos on the Garden Club Gallery.

Sunday 19 February - Snowdrop Valley, Wheddon Cross:  The weather was perfect for the group of 10 of us from the Garden Club who went on this visit and the day was very much enjoyed by all. We met up at the 'Rest and be Thankful' Inn for coffee before setting off - some walking and some taking the Safari transport, down to the valley. The snowdrops were at their best and truly beautiful. After the visit, six of us made the most of the day by booking a carvery lunch at the Exmoor White Horse Inn, Exford. Very many thanks to Amanda for arranging this visit. Photos on  the Garden Club Gallery .

A record of visits and outings is kept by the Garden Club and some of the photographs are shared in the Garden Club Gallery