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SWAG - Stoodleigh Working Action Group has after nearly 20 years sadly called it a day. It was formed in 2000 to promote and facilitate activities, outings and entertainment for local people which would not otherwise be provided by other groups/organisations within the village.

SWAG was a non profit making organisation. Any income was used in the promotion of subsequent events. However, when surplus income was raised, it was donated to organisations, groups or projects which in the opinion of SWAG benefit the Stoodleigh community.

Thank you SWAG members for all the many enjoyable events and outings you organised and the funds donated to benefit the village.

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Events in 2019

  • 11 September: a trip to Wells, taking in the Cathedral, the Bishop's Palace situated in 14 acres of gardens and the weekly market.
  • 18 July: SWAG's annual trip to the Turf Inn, Topsham.
  • 4 July: an Exmoor Jaunt.
  • 6 June: A visit to the Startpoint Lighthouse with a tour outside and inside of the lighthouse, then lunch at The  Cricket Inn, Beesands, followed by a visit to Hallsands - the ruined village in 1917.
  • 23 May:  A visit to the RNLI Exmouth with an hour long tour, followed by lunch at the Puffing Billy Inn. See photograph in SWAG Photo Gallery.
  • On Friday 15 February over 40 people attended a Skittles Event at the Parish Hall. Some played skittles and some watched and cheered participants along but everyone enjoyed a delicious Ploughman's Supper at half time. The winner of the final "Killer" game was Jill Rigamonti. Over £100 was raised which will fund the Village Fun Day on 8 June and also finalise the fitting of the new bench at the Millennium Triangle. SWAG was delighted to report that Devon County Councillor Polly Colthorpe donated a sizeable amount from her Locality Budget towards the provision of the bench. Photographs of the Millennium Triangle can be found on the Stoodleigh Gallery. 


For more information about the events or the group, talk to one of the SWAG members - Alistair (351220), Margaret (351252), Pat or Fred (351460):

We have successfully run many trips, entertained people in the parish hall and supported other organisations in the village.

Photos of some of the events previously organised can be seen in the SWAG Gallery