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The Walkie Talkies are a Stoodleigh based group made up of members of the community and friends who meet together to walk and enjoy the countryside.  A varied programme of walks are offered usually covering a distance of 4+ miles around Stoodleigh and neighbouring areas of Devon and Somerset. Refreshments usually involve a pub lunch or perhaps a picnic. Non walkers are also welcome to meet up for lunch.

Dates of future walks will be posted on the Events Calendar and the next one will be listed below as soon as possible. If you are interested in joining in with the group or to book your place on the next walk, please email


Next Walk .... 

Friday 28 June - 

We shall be walking on Friday 28 June so we hope you can make it ...... this time we shall be exploring Eggesford.  Liz A and June have trialled a pleasant walk around some of Eggesford Forest and a bit of the Ridge and Valley Walk.

Start & Finish:  Meet in the large car park, just past Eggesford Station coming from the Barnstaple direction on the A377, next to the cottages with the greenhouse tunnels – walking off at 11am.

Distance:  Around 3 miles which should take approx 90 minutes.  Forest and field tracks, a short section of lane and one farmyard to pass through. 

Lunch Option: Eggesford Station Tarka Line Grill.  Entrance is off the mainroad not into the station. It’s dog friendly. They don’t take bookings but will be expecting us 🙂

We have no walking adventure suggestions for July or August ... so please share any ideas or good walks you’ve enjoyed. 

If you're able to join us please use the contact details above.

Walks in 2024

Saturday 1 June - A walk organised by the Parish Hall team.  Coffee. walking and lunch enjoyed by all - see photos at Coffee, Walking & Lunch 2024

Wednesday 27 March - 12 walkers with 4 dogs met at Station Road car park, Bampton, for a walk of just over 5 miles. The route to Morebath and return was mostly across fields and tracks with some lovely views and some road work. Several of the group enjoyed some relaxation and lunch together afterwards at The Swan. Some photos are available at the Walking Groups Gallery

Friday 1 March - 12 of us were due to do the Bampton Notts but, unfortunately, rain and ground conditions stopped play  so we decided to postpone the walk. However, some members enjoyed lunch at the Bridge House anyway! Other members managed a quick dash between the heavy showers for a quick, short route at Knightshayes. None of us were idle!

Friday 26 January - Haddon Hill:  A group of 20 walkers with 7 energetic dogs enjoyed a bright and sunny walk under a blue sky - a real change from recent weather! Walkers took in some views back towards Stoodleigh - Ash Hill woods and other well known village areas were identified to the left on the walk out across the Moor. The walk took us around the Trig Point and tracks were followed with views over Bury, the Fishery below and eventually a track high above the waters of Wimbleball Reservoir. Some chatting over news entertained us as we climbed the hill back up to the car park. This was one of our shorter routes of about 3 miles with the Walkie Talkies but everyone appreciated getting out together on to the moor in great weather.

Friday 5 January - Breeze on the Beach - Crow Point and Braunton:  13 enthusiastic walkers and 4 happy dogs met up for our traditional New Year outing to the coast. It was the first dry, sunny day for what seemed like weeks and was followed by a fish and chip lunch at Squires, Braunton! Just one photo on the Walking Groups Gallery

Walks in 2023

Wednesday 25 October - Having allowed Storm Agnes to cause the postponement of the proposed September walk from Exford up over Room Hill, five stalwart amigos committed to the delayed outing in October despite inclement forecasts throughout the week before.

Although the five, together with Barney, Willow and Luna, set off in rather misty conditions no precipitation arrived and following the climb over Road Hill and Room Hill waterproofs could soon be removed. Having traversed the open moorland, stopping occasionally to admire the many varieties of fungi and the lichen draped hawthorn bushes, the walk descended steeply to the River Exe.

The return to Exford followed the riverbank of the Exe with glorious views across to the steep bracken-covered slopes on the other side. Following a pre-arranged rendezvous with Liz and her four month old, Aero, the group returned to their cars at Exford for a quick change out of mud coated walking boots and then on for an excellent lunch at the Exmoor White Horse Inn.

Many thanks to Yvonne and Barney for researching the route and leading this excellent walk. Photos at Walking Groups Gallery 


Friday 25 August - Despite the forecast decline in the weather, 8 walkers, plus Willow and Barney, set off for a brisk four mile circular walk from Molland. Walk leader Liz decided that, to make a change from previous visits, and to undertake the road section up onto the Moor at the start of the walk, the walk would be reversed.

Contrary to expectations, the walk through beautiful wooded valleys, open moorland and fields, remained dry and pleasantly warm. On the way a number of challenges were undertaken. Climb the bale (winner Liz, see the Gallery link below), walk the plank (across a boggy area) successfully completed by all, and muddiest dog (Willow of course!).

Pre lunch refreshments were taken in the garden at The London Inn, Molland before moving inside (just ahead of the rain) for an excellent lunch enjoyed by all.

Many thanks to Liz for organising and leading an enjoyable walk with fun for all! Photographs at Walking Groups Gallery 


Wednesday 26 July - With rain forecast to hold off until mid day, nine walkers, and two four legged friends, set off from Coldharbour Mill, Uffculme heading towards Gaddon Down. From the top of the Down there were splendid views of Uffculme dominated by the towering chimney of the historic Mill.

The descent from the Down took the group through Slow Jacks Wood towards Yondercott and along the tranquil banks of the River Culm.

Although, as forecast, the weather started to deteriorate just as the start/finish of the walk came into view, the rain held off long enough for the group to return to their cars in the dry. Light refreshments were enjoyed by those of the group able to stay at the waterside Grist Mill Cafe Bar at Coldharbour.

Many thanks to Jan for leading the walk which was enjoyed by all. As a small bonus, Jan's Willow is due to appear on the Mill's Facebook page as star of their Waggy Wednesday. Watch that space! Photographs at Walking Groups Gallery 


Wednesday 24 May - under a cloudless sky a group of 10 walkers and with 5 dogs (of varying shapes and sizes!) set off from Luxborough for a five and a half mile circular scenic walk last undertaken by the Walkie Talkies in 2019. 

Best laid plans, including a reconnaissance the previous week, came to nought at Churchtown where the lane leading to the footpath to Withycombe Moor was closed for resurfacing! A short detour through the churchyard brought the group to the start of a strenuous and, in parts overgrown, climb to the photo opportunity at the highest point of the walk, the 381 metre high Trig Point on Withycombe Common. After admiring the magnificent views, and enjoying the  unmistakable sound of a nearby cuckoo, the group descended through Druid’s Combe Wood to their starting point. 

A fitting end to the walk was a superb lunch under the shade of a wisteria covered pergola in the garden of the Royal Oak, Luxborough.

Thanks to Phil and Geraldine for researching these paths and leading the walk. Feedback was that the walk (and lunch) was, again, enjoyed by all. Walking Groups Gallery 

Friday 28 April - the group met at the Exmoor National Park Centre at Dulverton for a circular walk of around 4.5 miles. The route out of Dulverton was a good climb and great views over Dulverton town were enjoyed. The descent towards Brushford was much easier and lively conversations took place during the stroll through the water meadows back to Dulverton. Thanks to Jean for organising us and to both Jean and Liz for leading the walk.  Several of the group enjoyed tasty lunches afterwards at The Bridge, Dulverton. Much chat over and after lunch took place and the majority view was that the group would try to alternate between monthly Wednesdays and Fridays so that walking company is accessible to as many of us as possible.

Saturday 4 March - Stoodleigh Spring Walk:  The Walkie Talkies group joined with a Stoodleigh event this month. The Parish Hall team would like to thank everyone who joined in this event at the Parish Hall. Nineteen walkers set off after enjoying coffee at the Hall along with 6 enthusiastic dogs. Phil Talbot kindly led the 4.5 mile which took them along paths and tracks in fields and woods with plenty of up and down hill before their return to the Parish Hall for lunch. Non walkers joined in for lunch and a good village catch up and chat was enjoyed by all. Thank you all for your support. Please see the Stoodleigh Photo Gallery page, Village Events in 2023

Friday 3 February - the group took the opportunity to go to Fingle Bridge to walk this month. Thank you to Chris Tedman for leading the walk and taking some photos which you can see on the Walking Groups Gallery The walkers enjoyed a lovely day and walk with the rain holding off. We hear the pub lunch was great too!

Friday 6 January - a New Year's walk to blow away the cobwebs. Start and finish at Crow Point. With days of rain behind us and wet days forecast ahead, surprisingly, we had a dry and bright walk from Crow Point along the beach. After an hour, we clambered up over the dunes of Braunton Burrows - as elegantly as the WT's always do - for a trek back along the tops of the dunes to reach the site where Allied Forces trained in preparation for the D Day landings, 6 June 1944. Following an amusing "short cut" by one of our party which led us to a dead end, we soon found our way back to the car park.  A great walk of just over 5 miles and about two and a half hours - we enjoyed fresh air, exercise, great north devon coastal views and much catch up chatting.  Some of the group decided to take advantage of yummy fish and chips at Squires at Braunton. Thanks to our great walking friends and to Jean for organising us. See photos at Walking Groups Gallery

Walks in 2022 

Friday 25 November - A Dunster walk: On a wonderful, sunny Friday we remembered our late friend, Jennifer Rowlandson, who had previously taken us on this walk around Bats Castle and many other routes in and around Exmoor. We raised a toast with sloe gin at a beautiful viewing point of surrounding countryside in honour of a good friend. The group enjoyed lunch at the Stags Head - a lunch venue remembered by some with Jennifer in years gone by.

Wednesday 26 October: Tarr Steps/Winsford Hill - Thank you Jean for organising our walk and Tarr Farm lunch. Thank you to everyone for your lovely company too ❤️  We had fantastic autumn colours on our river footpath and wonderful moorland walking as well as amazing weather! We were able to sink into the comfy leather sofas at Tarr Farm before we enjoyed a fabulous lunch.

Friday 30 September - a local walk when we started and finished at Quoit at Cross. The weather forecast was not great but the walkers returned to the start just before the rain and enjoyed lunch at the Stoodleigh Inn.

Wednesday 24 August - we met in the Raleghs Cross Inn car park to explore the area around the Brendon Hill Mineral Incline. A very wet, but fascinating, walk culminated with lunch at the Raleghs Cross Inn.

Friday 22 July -  Simonsbath car park was the start and finish for a 3.75 mile circular walk that was completely unknown to the 11 walkers and their four faithful friends. Although the weather forecast was slightly uncertain after the heatwave of preceding days it turned out to be just about perfect for walking, warm but not overly hot.

The route provided a wide variety of scenery climbing through the Ashcombe plantation before opening out onto open moorland and fields with stunning views in all directions. The walk continued towards Exe Head before dropping back down to Simonsbath where the group were rewarded by a very pleasant al fresco lunch in the garden of the recently refurbished Exmoor Forest Inn.

Thanks, as always, to Jean for organising and leading the walk and to Jane for remembering to take some photos.


Wednesday 29 June - Fifteen walkers accompanied by seven dogs (of all shapes and sizes) enjoyed an excellent walk of 5.5 miles from the Haddon Hill Car Park. The walkers headed off in sunshine towards the summit of Haddon Hill before descending through woodland and via a superb (but slippery) enclosed lane to the lovely Haddeo valley at Bury.

The walk then followed the river through the magnificent woodlands of Hartford Bottom providing many opportunities for a swim on the part of those of our four legged friends who wished to cool off (or just have fun in the water!). From Hartford the walk climbed back up towards the start/finish past the Wimbleball Dam.

Those able to stay for lunch enjoyed a picnic (accompanied by mugs of freshly brewed tea courtesy of Tony and Ann) on the grass adjoining the parking area. Sadly, by that time, Jean's new electric weather wand had started to run out of charge but the trees surrounding the picnic area provided more than adequate cover from the light drizzle.

Thanks go again to Jean for organising another outing that was enjoyed by all.

For those unable to join the walk, but wishing they had, a route map can be found with photographs on the Walking Groups Gallery 


Wednesday 4 May - unfortunately, our May walk was cancelled due to some walkers being away and others unwell. Those who have been under the weather are now much improved.


Friday 1 April - Blackdowns/Broadhembury  - 6 mile circular walk - Some might think it foolish to organise a group walk on 1 April but, as usual, the weather wand worked and nine walkers and five impeccably behaved dogs enjoyed a leisurely walk around the edge of the Blackdown Hills.

Although the wind was cool, especially across the open expanse of the Devon and Somerset Gliding Club, the weather conditions allowed for some spectacular views across to Dartmoor. The walk descended to the picturesque village of Broadhembury where all two legged participants thoroughly enjoyed a well earned and hospitable lunch at the Drewe Arms. Following lunch the group climbed back to the heights of the Blackdowns to complete the circular walk.

Thanks to Jean for the usual arrangements (and keeping the wand dusted), Phil for leading the walk, our hosts at the Drewe Arms for welcoming us and our canine friends and being relaxed about last minute changes in numbers and, of course, all those who joined in.


Saturday 5 March - Stoodleigh Breakfast, Walk & Lunch:  The sun shone for us on Saturday for the Stoodleigh Breakfast, Walk and Lunch lifting everyone’s spirits after all the recent wind and rain.

The kitchen volunteers served bacon rolls, coffee and tea at the Parish Hall before the 17 walkers and 8 dogs set off towards West End Cross. They took footpaths across fields to Rifton Woods followed by a climb to the top of the Woods. The group followed the bridleway through the woods to Coleford Bottom and took the track to Aldridge Mill. The permissive path across fields and woods was then used to Trow Bridge before the last climb up Wormsworthy Hill to Ash Cross and back to the Parish Hall.

After about 5 miles of fresh air, sunshine, exercise, chatting and Stoodleigh countryside, the walkers met up with non-walkers to enjoy lunch together at the Hall. The tasty chicken pie, new potatoes and veg went down a treat and our special village volunteer served her scrumptious home baked cup cakes afterwards.

Much catching up and conversations took place as getting together for community events have been sadly lacking over the last two years. Saturday’s event was a step towards the return to more normal times and future occasions and events. A good time was had by all and we managed to raise just over £240 towards the running of the Parish Hall.  Thank you everyone including some of the WT's for your support! Thanks also to Morrisons, Tiverton, for their vouchers towards ingredients for breakfast and lunch.

Photographs can be seen on the Walking Groups Gallery 


Friday 4 February - Bampton - Despite the somewhat inclement weather forecast in the days leading up to the second Walkie Talkie of the year nobody would have doubted that Jean's weather wand would work its usual magic.

Fourteen intrepid walkers and their seven enthusiastic dogs headed off from the Station Road car park in Bampton on a 6.6 mile circular route which took us up onto, and across, Bampton Down where we all enjoyed some magnificent views.

After a brief stop in the chill wind for the mandatory group photograph the prospect of lunch at the Swan Inn drove us relentlessly on downhill towards our initial starting point.

Jeans' timing was impeccable as the leading members of the group arrived at the Swan at 12.58 for our 1.00pm booking!

Soggy and muddy dogs left in cars, a convivial and wholesome lunch was enjoyed by those members of the group able to stay. Glasses were raised to Jean and Chris to welcome the arrival of their latest granddaughter and celebrate Chris' upcoming birthday.

Photograph can be seen on the Walking Groups Gallery 


Wednesday 5 January - The 2022 Walkie Talkie program kicked off with a walk from Crow Point, North Devon. We were a group of 12 people and 6 very excited dogs. Jean's magic weather wand worked again as the weather was wonderful, a tad blowy on the beach but beautifully calm and sunny inland. Our route took us from the car park onto the beach and around the headlands and then we ventured into the dunes and along the American Road - a lovely 4.7 mile stroll. Lunch at Squires was beautifully cooked and huge - good job we had done all that walking beforehand. 


Walks in 2021

Wednesday 1 December - We had a really good turnout for the yomp up and around a blustery!!!!!! Dunkery Beacon. Many thanks to Liz for co-piloting the route.  We decided to keep below the summit for as long as we could so walked the planned route in reverse. There was some trepidation about embarking on a silly walk in the teeth of the wind from some of the troops but all stoically marched off. 

Our route took us down the other side of the Beacon down into the Combe and Dunkery seemed to be getting further away, but all was well as some of us saw a large herd of deer and the hike back up was not as vertical as first thought. The views over the Bristol Channel, Hurlstone Point and Selworthy were magnificent as always, and all agreed that it was a good walk. 

The Rest and be Thankful had allocated us a separate room for lunch which was really appreciated. 

 Photograph can be seen on the Walking Groups Gallery 


Friday 5 November - A walk around Cove: On Friday 5 November a happy group of walkers and dogs had a very pleasant walk starting from Cove Nurseries.  There was a steep climb up through the autumnal woods to the ridge road by Shute Farm, where we watched some lambs going out into the fields for the first time with their mothers.  We stopped to look at the views, looking back towards Stoodleigh as we walked along the road towards Van Post, then coming back down the hill past Marwoods Farm and through fields to the lane.  We then retraced our steps back to our cars before going on to The Lost Kitchen at Chettiscombe for lunch.  Many thanks to Paul Fonnereau for allowing us to park at Cove Nurseries and to Jan for leading the walk.

Wednesday 6 October - Molland:  This was our first walk since before the pandemic when we headed to Molland. Jean's weather wand worked a treat and the sun shone for the eleven WT's and 5 dogs who walked together. The wonderful views were enjoyed along the way as well as much chatting to catch up with news after such a long gap. Photographs can be seen on the Walking Groups Gallery 


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Walks in 2019/20 included:

  • Saturday 7 March - Stoodleigh Spring Breakfast, Walk and Lunch - the group supported this Parish Hall fund raiser again this year. They enjoyed an invigorating walk of almost 5 miles on footpaths, bridleways and lanes around Stoodleigh. They feasted on breakfast of croissants and coffee before the walk. A scrumptious lasagne lunch was prepared by Parish Hall fundraisers and a special village volunteer served her home baked cup cakes afterwards.  It was not only walkers who enjoyed the food and company as members of the village joined together at lunchtime for another sociable community event where funds were raised for parish hall improvements.
  • Friday 28 February - The group did a circular walking starting at the centre of Dulverton to Marsh Bridge and climbed back over the hill to Dulverton. Lunch was enjoyed at The Bridge.
  • Friday 10 January - Sixteen of the group ventured off to the north coast to Saunton Sands on a bright, sunny day for their first walk of 2020 and enjoyed a fish and chip lunch at Braunton afterwards.
  • Friday 29 November - Eighteen walkers and seven dogs set off from Quoit at Cross in fine, dry weather towards the Church where they admired the completed repairs to the Tower. Footpaths and lanes took them to Ash Woods and on to Ash Cross where views were enjoyed across to Exmoor. They took Wheatland Lane and followed the footpath to Coleford Bottom. One dog, Indie, insisted on a swim in the Iron Mill Stream, before the group headed up the hill to Rull Cross. On their way to West End Cross they admired the new Beacon View Egg Shack offering eggs and honey for sale and then headed back to the starting point – about 3.75 miles. Sadly, because of the rain, the fields and footpaths were rather muddy which made a slower walk – not that this was a problem as there was plenty of chatting and admiring of views. Happy, hungry walkers reached the Stoodleigh Inn and enjoyed drinks before Lizzie provided scrumptious lunches of beef stew and chicken hotpot followed by delicious puddings. Thanks to Jean for making arrangements and the weather wand, to Phil for the route and Lizzie for lunch at The Inn. Photographs can be seen on the Walking Groups Gallery 
  • Friday 1 NovemberWe enjoyed a lovely 4 mile walk through the upper reaches of Horner Woods on Friday 1 November. 15 walkers, 5 well behaved dogs and Blake. It is one of Jean's favourite areas and it was nice to show it off to some that had not explored it before. We lunched at the Rest and Be Thankful who rallied round and found space for us. The weather wand worked its magic again and the rain held off until after lunch.
  • Thursday 29 August - Liz responded to a request that we venture over to Brendon to Hoar Oak Cottage and acted as our guide. We were met with sunshine and a cool breeze as we started the walk at Brendon Moor and, fortunately, the rain stayed away. We traversed beautiful coombs and streams to find ourselves in the middle of open moorland before reaching our goal of the abandoned cottage. What a wonderful spot! See picnic photographs. It was here we enjoyed our picnics and conversations about how occupants of Hoar Oak Cottage pre 1960's might have lived. The views were much admired along the paths, again up and down the coombs, back to the parked cars. Thanks Liz ...... a real treat! See Hoar Oak Cottage for information about our lunch spot.
  • Friday 26 July - Thankfully, Jean had chosen a lovely short route from Marsh Bridge to Hinam Tea Rooms and back for the nine walkers as the day was warm. The route took us along the path next to the Barle under the tree canopy, so much cooler than in full sun. The dogs appreciated  the refreshing cool downs in the water every now and then. Hinam Tea Rooms lived up to expectations by providing a cottage garden environment and a scrumptious lunch that satisfied all who partook. Especially the choco fest - chocolate scone, nutella and cream.
  • Thursday 27 June - Fourteen WT’s strode off from the Parish Hall en route to Oakford via Coleford Bottom and the Hundred Steps. Jean's magic weather wand excelled itself and we enjoyed a warm sunny, breezy day for our ramble. The seven dogs really appreciated the streams along the way. We enjoyed a lovely lunch in the sunshine at the newly refurbished Red Lion where we were joined by Tony and Ann and family.  Great food and sparkling company was enjoyed by all.
  • Friday 31 May:  Eighteen walkers and 6 energetic dogs enjoyed a 6+ mile route from Haddon Hill down to Bury and back up again. The weather wand worked its magic and the sun came out just we sat down to enjoy our picnic. It was a very sociable event and it was lovely to see Jennifer, Ian and Sharon who joined us for lunch. We took the opportunity to toast all those who have had their 2019 birthdays with a splash of Prosecco followed by a very posh cup of tea brewed up in the camper van. A big thank you to Tony and Ann for the tea, to Shirley for delicious biscuits and to Jean for organising us all.
  • Friday 26 April: Despite a temporary malfunction of Jean’s weather wand, a group of 14 walkers and their four canine friends set off from Luxborough for a five and a half mile circular walk. The scenic route explored the conifer forests, deciduous woodlands, farmland, moorland and steep-sided combes so typical of the Brendon Hills. After a strenuous climb from Churchtown to the photo opportunity at the 381 metre high Trig Point on Withycombe Common the group descended through Druid’s Combe Wood to their starting point. A warm welcome, both from the Landlords and roaring log fires, and superb lunch at the Royal Oak, Luxborough provided a fitting end to the expedition. There's a map showing the route of the walk on the Walking Groups Gallery - maybe you would like to try it! Thanks to Phil and Geraldine for researching these paths and leading the walk - feedback was that the walk was, again, enjoyed by all. Thanks also to Jean for making, and fine tuning(!), all the necessary arrangements. Let's hope that she can join in the next adventure following her return to walking fitness.
  • On Friday 29 March a group of thirteen walkers and four dogs enjoyed an amazing spring walk from Molland and over Molland Common. In lovely sunshine, with the heat of a summer's day and dry under foot, the walk went up from Molland through fields to Molland Common. At the edge of the moor about thirty deer were spotted with at least two splendid stags. Some time was spent admiring them before continuing on over the moor above Anstey's Combe, finding a herd of cows and some Exmoor ponies. Returning via Brimblecombe, the banks were colourful with primroses, violets, dandelions, stitchwort and other wild flowers.  Lunch at the London Inn, sitting outside, was a fitting end to a lovely walk organised by Liz and Bourneville.
  • Saturday 2 March:  The group joined with the Stoodleigh Spring Breakfast, Walk and Lunch this month when two walks were on offer. Phil carried Jean's magic weather wand this time and it worked ...... the weather was perfect for walking. Fifteen folk (along with four dogs) chose a good hike of almost seven miles and seven people opted for a shorter walk with a visit to the local alpacas. All returned to the Hall for a lunch party of 33. To find out how they all got on, see descriptions of the routes and a map of the longer walk so if you weren't able to join in on Saturday, you could try it too. Thanks to Phil for researching these paths and leading the walk - feedback was that this was another good one! 
  • Friday 4 January 2019:  Nineteen hardy souls and eight very bouncy dogs enjoyed a New Year blast along Braunton Beach. The dogs chased any and all balls thrown for them whether it was theirs or not. On turning back instead of taking the easy route back along the beach we ventured off into the dunes where we clambered and climbed our way over fences and up and down the dunes, conquering the highest peaks and running back down again. All balls were forgotten by the dogs as there were so many lovely smells and holes to investigate. After all that exertion we partook of what used to be called a ‘fish supper’ in Squires, just what was needed, fish/chips and a cup of tea.