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Stoodleigh Parish Hall

Annual General Meeting

19 November 2019


Present:  Linda Brice (chairman), Janet Russell (treasurer), Geraldine Talbot (secretary), Alex Hannis, Andrew Thwaites, Dick Sibley, Geoffrey Parkman, Jennifer Rowlandson and Sheila Davies

Others attending: Jill Chant, June Jones, Viv Menear and Chris Whitehead

1            Apologies: Roland Chant and John Davis

2            Minutes of the meeting of 6 November 2018

The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2018 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

3            Chairman’s Annual Report

The chairman welcomed everyone to the Parish Hall for the Annual General Meeting. She thanked the existing Committee Members for their work during the year and also the treasurer and secretary for their specific contributions over the year.

The chairman advised that the committee now consisted of nine members, meeting on a regular basis to deal with the management of the Parish Hall. She pointed out that along with the regular cleaning and general upkeep of the Hall, the committee held fund raising events for the running, maintenance and improvement of the Parish Hall and car park.

The chairman reported that the Committee was pleased that the Hall was used on a regular basis and that an income was raised from hiring. She pointed out that the Hall was hired regularly for classes including Pilates and Zumba and Yoga classes were now also available. She advised that village organisations and clubs also made use of the Hall – the Church, the Garden Club, Stoodleigh Working Action Group and Stoodleigh Parish Council. The chairman reported that the Hall was fortunate to receive funds from the Stoodleigh 100 Club each year of £250 and thanked Christine Palfrey. She reminded those present about the Coffee Morning on Saturdays, organised by Chris Whitehead and Malcolm Jones, where coffee and chat was enjoyed by many. She thanked them for organising these sessions and invited others to go along to the coffee mornings where they could also borrow books from the shelves just at the end of the main hall.

The chairman reported on several fundraising events in the last year:

              Dec 18 - Christmas Bingo and Grand Draw - £889

              Mar 19 – Spring Breakfast, Walk & Lunch - £325

              Mar 19 – Auction of Promises (joint event with the Church) - £1,225 split between the two

              April 19 – Easter Market & Coffee Morning - £362

              Aug 19 – Family Dog Show (joint event with the Church) - £1120 split between the two – many thanks to Pat and Fred Robinson for the use of their paddock

              Oct 19 – Autumn Market & Coffee Morning

The chairman said that the Committee were fortunate to have many volunteers who supported with time, skills and effort for these events and we were extremely grateful to them. They included Vanessa and Phil Turner, Jean Winter, Fiona Hannis, Phil Talbot and many, many others. She apologised if she had missed anyone out and repeated her thanks.

She advised that much of the general maintenance and repair to the Hall and car park was carried out by Committee members and volunteers which was much appreciated. Volunteers helped with a Community Clean on two occasions this year in June and October and she thanked them.

The chairman reported on behalf of the Committee and thanked everyone and passed on appreciation for all the community support for the Parish Hall.

4            Treasurer’s Report

 The treasurer presented the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2019 and circulated details of the Income and Expenditure for the year and total funds as at 31 October 2019 (details attached to the Minutes).

                                    Capital reserve                                    £  3732.21

                                    Business reserve (improvements)       £16517.28

                                    Current account                                  £  1770.22

                                    Cash                                                    £    307.60

                                    Total                                                    £22327.31      

                                    As at 31/10/2018  £19,658.33

Copies of Current Assets (current account, capital reserve account, business reserve account, cash in hand) and Property Improvements were also available (full details attached to the Minutes).  The treasurer said she hoped that everyone had been able to have a look at the documents forming the annual financial report. She pointed out that the Income and Expenditure document detailed the activities outlined by the chairman. She reported an income of over £6000 in the last 12 months. The treasurer advised that the Committee had been able to put aside £5000 into the Hall Improvement fund and had withdrawn £1885 for Design and Planning Services. She reported that £16517 was currently held in the Hall improvement fund.  The treasurer also pointed out that the income from hall and equipment hiring had shown a steady increase in recent years from £900 in 2015 to over £1250 this year.

There were no questions from the public present or committee members. The chairman thanked the treasurer for preparing and presenting the Accounts.

  • Improvement Plan Update

The chairman reminded those present that at the meeting last year, she had reported that the Committee had postponed the plans for improvement in view of a possible alternative offer. She advised that despite actively pursuing the alternative possibilities, it had not been possible to go ahead so the Committee agreed to proceed with the improvements as planned. The chairman reported that on further consideration of the varying level of quotes, it became obvious that the works involved in raising the floors in the main hall, entrance lobby and kitchen would be very costly. She advised that the Committee had received, considered and agreed an alternative proposal to bring the extension to the same floor level as the Hall and the plans were shared with those present. The chairman reported that the floorplan of the extension would remain the same as the original plan, ambulant steps from the entrance door would provide easier access and a stair lift to the side of the entrance lobby would be fitted which folded to one side when not in use. The chairman then handed over to Andrew Thwaites.

Andrew advised of the difficulties when considering the quotes because figures from builders were provisional and varied and were such that the end cost was not clear. He pointed out that the Committee then had to make a decision about how to go forward. He reported the proposal made included the level of the main hall staying the same, the entrance level lowered, stair lift from the entrance and cloakrooms all at the same level. Andrew advised that the kitchen and entrance lobby floors would need to be raised a few inches but a minor amount. He reported that the Committee had agreed the scheme as the drawing displayed and shared at the meeting. Andrew advised that the current planning consent ended early in 2020 and a new submission would need to be made. He pointed out that the drawings he had prepared could be included in the architect’s plans for planning consent purposes.

Andrew reported that the Committee had accepted that this plan would not be a cheap exercise and there would be a long delay to raise funds for the complete works. He advised that the Committee had agreed to move the improvements forward by upgrading the kitchen and the electrics as the first phase. Andrew pointed out that the Committee was keen to put their energy into getting things done.

A discussion then took place and questions were taken with responses from Andrew as follows:

Q         Are the floor levels in the kitchen and lobby to be raised before the kitchen works take place?

A          Yes.

Q         Are there to be any changes to the ceiling in the kitchen and entrance lobby:

A          No, there should be no need to alter the ceilings as the floor raising is minimal.

Q         How will the Hall operate without the kitchen?

A          It was hoped that facilities could be made available in the entrance lobby for refreshments such as coffee and tea making. The Committee’s intention is to keep the building open and earning money.

Discussions continued and Andrew reported that when the extension work took place, the Hall could still be used by placing a portaloo in the car park. Questions followed in relation to timescales and other issues and Andrew responded as follows:

  • Planning consents and listed building consents could be dealt with at the same time – listed building consent for the Hall internal works and planning/listed building consents for the extension work – this work was currently being progressed;
  • The Committee was currently researching and obtaining quotes for a new power supply and the electrical internal connection work necessary;
  • The Committee was obtaining updated quotes for the kitchen re-fit;
  • Research and quotes would be undertaken by the Committee for kitchen heating (plinth fan heaters) and panel heater in the entrance lobby;
  • Lighting for the kitchen and lobby was still to be agreed by the Committee;
  • The Committee was continuing with research for grant funding for the kitchen/lobby works and electricity updates and a list of possible sources was being prepared;
  • Some research would be carried out by the Committee to find any builders who might provide some charity/sponsor work toward the project.

6          Proposals and suggestions for fundraising and events

  • Cycle Stop Refreshments - Chris Whitehead put forward a suggestion he had received from a Cycle Touring Club who were looking for refreshment stops on cycle outings during the summer months. He advised that the group consisted of 40/50 people who would require tea, coffee and cake between 10.15am and noon on a Thursday. He reported that there would be a likely spend of £200. All agreed that this was a definite possibility.
  • Markets & Coffee Mornings - The Chairman invited comments from those present regarding dates proposed for the Easter Market & Coffee Morning (Easter Saturday) and the Autumn Market & Coffee Morning (31 October). She pointed out that the Committee had experimented with alternative dates but footfall and income had not altered. Some discussion followed regarding encouraging more of the community to take part in village events but no conclusion was reached. Geraldine pointed out that the support and contributions to many of the events was fantastic and referred specifically to the Auction of Promises and the Dog Show and this was appreciated by the Committee.
  • Lunches for Pensioners – Following discussion, it was agreed that plans to include such an event at the Parish Hall be progressed when the work on the kitchen had been carried out.

7          Management Committee       

              (i)       Nominations to the Management Committee from village organisations:  The following had agreed to sit on the Committee and represent their various village organisations - Jennifer Rowlandson had been nominated by Stoodleigh Working Action Group; Geoffrey Parkman had been nominated to represent the Parish Council; the Garden Club had nominated Jill Chant as its representative; Dick Sibley represented the Cricket Club and St Margaret’s Church had nominated Sheila Davis as their representative.

              (ii)      Election of Members to the Management Committee:  Volunteers were invited from those attending the meeting to join the Committee and Viv Menear and Chris Whitehead volunteered to join the Committee and were duly elected. It was proposed that the following members of the Committee for the year 2018/2019, Andrew Thwaites, Alex Hannis, Linda Brice, Janet Russell and Geraldine Talbot be elected to the Committee for the year 2018/19. All five advised of their willingness to continue to sit on the Committee and were duly elected. 

8            Any Other Business:  There being no other business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.15pm.