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Saturday 12 September

Village residents and visitors gathered for breakfast at Stoodleigh Parish Hall at 9am on 12 September for the Last of the Summer Walks.

Walkers taking the long route about to set off   

Walkers about to set off on long route

      Walkers taking the route to the west

Walkers taking the route to the west


Seventeen walkers, young and not so young, enjoyed bacon baps and coffee and left Stoodleigh Parish Hall for a six mile circular walk which encompassed Coleford Bottom to Spurway Mill then climbed up through Spurway Woods in Oakford. At the top of the ascent the group paused in the open countryside (see photo below) to enjoy the panoramic views up through the Iron Mill Valley before they descended to cross the Iron Mill Stream over the hard surface of the historic ford laid to take animals and carts from Stoodleigh to Anstey in bygone days. They then made their way up Wormsworthy Hill to return to the Hall. 

As the group taking on the longer route left, another group arrived for the second sitting of breakfast. They set off taking a westerly route from the Parish Hall towards Washfield passing fields of recently harvested crops, woodland with the foliage just starting to take some autumn colours and enjoyed views of the village and towards Tiverton. Their return route brought them back to the Hall in perfect time for lunch.

As both groups of walkers returned, other residents arrived to share in the community lunch. A hearty meal of chicken hotpot was served followed by a magnificent array of home-made cakes.

The organisers would like to thank Pork Heaven from Devon who generously donated the bacon for the breakfasts. Thanks also to Sainsbury's, South Molton, for their donation towards the lunch.

Thank you to all those who joined in and also to the volunteers beforehand and on the day for their much appreciated contribution - see photo below of just two of the happy volunteers. This was another great community event and £300 was raised towards the Hall Improvement fund for which the Parish Hall Management Committee is very grateful.

Walkers at the hill top  

Walkers at the hill top

          Volunteers - just two of several!

 Volunteers - just two of several!

Photographs:  Jessie Jones and Geraldine Talbot