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Saturday 24 January 2015

What a great success this turned out to be! Not only was it a good fundraising event for Hall improvements but also an opportunity for walkers to enjoy the local countryside and the community to get together. We welcomed village residents and visitors from around the Exe Valley area.

Participants in the longer walk

 Participants in the longer route

Walkers on the shorter route

Walkers taking the shorter route

Over 40 people joined in this event. The bright wintry day started for those taking part in the longer walk at 9.15am. It began with delicious bacon baps and coffee at the Parish Hall before they started on their seven and a half miles. They used footpaths and lanes which provided stunning views of Stoodleigh, Washfield and Tiverton and enjoyed sightings of two herds of deer.  At 10.15am, more bacon baps and coffee were served to those setting off on the shorter distance of just over three miles. These walkers used footpaths and lanes in and around Stoodleigh and enjoyed more amazing views and good company.

Whilst the walkers were off enjoying the fresh air, exercise and scenery, other members of the community dropped in for breakfast and a chat. As the walkers returned at around 12.30pm, others arrived who had also booked in for lunch. Hearty, warming lunches of cottage pie and vegetarian bake were then enjoyed by all and the non-walkers were able to hear the tales from those taking part in the walks.

Over £330 was raised towards the proposed improvements to access, kitchen and toilets at the Parish Hall.

The Parish Hall Management Committee would like to thank Lloyd Maunder, Morrisons and Tesco for sponsorship and members of the community for their donations and support. 

The photographs above show some of those who took part in the walks (thanks to Jean Winter).